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The refugee camp that became a city

The Jordanian refugee camp Zaatari houses 87 Syrians. None of them want to go home. Syria lacks even the most basic infrastructure, and most Syrians are terrified of reprisals.

Krimmigrasjons policy

Hot communitarian trends locally can go hand in hand with the development of spider-like surveillance institutions or fence building nationally and internationally. What is Social Control?

Deadly, complicated and expensive nuclear waste

In 2019 there are 17 tonnes of high-level nuclear waste to be cleared and stored in Norwegian nature. It is a very complicated and environmentally hazardous work, which the authorities have pushed ahead of them for years.

Regime criticism as entertainment

Four Polish women have created an entertaining TV series where sharp regime criticism is the theme – with the talking title 1983.

The conflict in Ukraine

Loznitsa's film explores the controversy over facts that raged in Donbass, between Ukraine and the Russian-backed People's Republic of Donetsk in the eastern part of Ukraine.

Yellow vests, taxes and black money

Is President Macron the reason why the yellow vest has taken to the streets of Paris, or are the people wearing yellow vests just generally thoroughly bored by a guardian French state?

Empire mercenaries

Andrew Thomson has written a captivating book about how Western imperialism has changed in the post-World War II era.

No more Russian heroes

Electing Russia sheds a depressing light on the opposition in Russia. Do they really represent a real change for the benefit of the people?

Identity problems and false confessions

Identity problems among young immigrants in Sweden, and the need for better legal security in the US: Sofielund and New York are the framework for two new Nordic documentaries.

An explanation of European racism

Islamist tries to understand the background of Muslim conditions in Europe, but the explanation in his analysis is limited.

The scary sound of religion

Fanaticism and extremism arise the moment religion is detached from its cultural and historical background.

Call for justice

Criminals in uniform, with well-paid jobs, took the life of my son, ”says a mother grieving the teenage son killed by Brazil's militarized police to a group of other poor, black women during a public demonstration.

iGeneration and the new hypersensitivity

Students live in a bubble and should go to therapy to cope with the real world, two authors think of the state of American universities.

Are you a "communist"?

My namesake Truls Øhra's new book, The History of Power (478 pages, Solum Bokvennen), is a thorough and revealing review of the abuse of power unlike solidarity communities. Let me start with a first point:

From prosthetic to dictator

In Putin's Witnesses, we follow Putin's path to power in Russia and see how early promises of free press end in full rejection of democratic rules of play.

LISTEN: A recipe for peace

Fear campaigns and enemy images seem paralyzing and make us believe that doomsday is near, writes chronicler Susanne Urban. She is calling for a peace ministry.