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Idleness is the root of all art

The primal power can be found in amateur orchestras, rhymesmiths and trivial glossy pictures, Asger Jorn believed. A colorful explosive is finally available in Norwegian.

"Republican is the new cool"

In a stunt just before the US election, a right-wing populist writer staged himself as a punk and performance artist. This hijacking also got artists and hipsters to vote for Donald Trump.

Dada is dead, live Dada! 

Dada is 100 years. The small movement that created new meaning by tearing most of it into pieces has ideological and artistic successors everywhere – just looking around.

In the violence of the emotions 

What should be the memorials after 22. July really remind the population? The emotional nature of politics – and political art – was central to the Public Calling conference.

The artist's talking head

H * art On is a well-founded and profound film about the nature and importance of art.

Pussy Riot: "We're All Pioneers"

Censorship can be tricky, but it can also give the art an unintended explosive power.

Photo book – an expanding language

The photo book fills a void that the digital viewing space cannot fill, and therefore becomes even more important for a generation flooded with images.

White trash

People look towards the lens, yet it is as if they would prefer to retreat and retreat to the courtyard, to the outfield, to the family, to the drug, to the church, to sleep.

A future cast in concrete

The elevated concrete is about to be erected – both architecturally and sculpturally.

Attempt to be alive 

What happens to the art of a time without permanence, where everyone is left to a floating, infinite space? 

The ethical value of literature

Literature and art can help us out of anger and frustration and towards a greater understanding, says Martha Nussbaum. 

Drone Dilla

Civil society must take ownership of the drone technology, says Anders Eiebakke, current with the exhibition Drones coming! 

Mathematical art

In the art market, originality and peculiarity is an artist's foremost capital. But what happens when an algorithm can calculate these properties better than the artist itself? 

The manifesto as an art form

The film installation Manifesto, which will be on display at the Hamburger Bahnhof in Berlin these days, addresses some of the many paradoxes that stick to the manifesto genre – both in its political and artistic setbacks. 

Great moments of imperfection

Guttorm Nordø stages our experience of being in the world – as if we had just arrived.