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environmental protection

Youth with acting power

sustainability goals: The new series Mission Impact shows engaged youth who demand action. It is released first on social media.

Environmental scandal: Plan dumping of 30 million tonnes of mining waste in Repparfjord

While the rest of the world has discontinued dumping of mining waste in the sea, Norway is one of five ashore on the planet that continues to do so.

Magicians and prophets about the future of nature

In an effective mix of polemics and history of ideas, this book shows how the environmental situation is a product of the ideas we have about it.

Environmental protection in the sign of evolution

In the worst case, the romantic view of nature can stand in the way of adaptable environmental protection work, claims environmental studies professor Douglas Spieles in a new book.

A warning to the enlightened consumer

"They say I can save the world ... The orangutans, dolphins, the sea, the rainforest, and even humanity – all I have to do is buy sustainable and fair products. But that's a lie. "