Israel uses new and more damaging weapons against Gaza and Lebanon. The children must suffer for that. At least two out of five people killed in Lebanon are children. Israel uses the precision weapon Hellfire with Norwegian high explosives. Still, there are major civil losses in the war.
Israeli and Palestinian archaeologists have been digging for decades for evidence that their site has more right to the area than the other. Edward Said and Sigmund Freud are also archaeologists, in a transferred sense, and they show another way to look: Instead of throwing away what does not fit, it is precisely what does not fit that should be lifted up and regarded as important "findings", writes Stian Bromark in this essay.
First he did everything right. Now he does everything wrong. Well then, for Ariel Sharon that he has made his main opponent hostage to his own politics.
The riots in the past few weeks in the Middle East may be the end of the Oslo Agreement, but hopefully the beginning of something new and better, we believe Edward Said.