MAFIA: Giovanni Falcone, this inspirator with the dark mustache and the winning smile, lived to be only 53 years old. He is a stalwart in the fight for the values most people say they stand for. Perhaps Roberto Saviano writes about him precisely to recall the extent of the sacrifice, its motive, its achievements, and what qualities are required. He himself is well aquainted with this.
NEO-FASCISM: Do many still have fascist longings today, or can one always blame seductive leaders? A closer dive into the 100-year-old Italian fascism and its descendants says something about the dangers we are now likely to face.
The Italian author Roberto Saviano sits opposite me, four meters away in a black armchair. In the side scenes hidden behind the curtains stands a black-clad large man on each side – with his hands crossed, armed, constantly on the lookout.