ECOLOGY: Is it possible to have an earth free of war, a society free of violence, a love free of lies and a life free of anxiety? As someone has said: «It starts with water.» Here we look at three communities.
SYRIA: Carsten Wieland uncovers a large number of mistakes in the Western donor countries' handling of the humanitarian crisis during the Syrian civil war. He also mentions how rebel forces have deliberately starved local people to attract aid: Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Rwanda.
SYRIA:A book about how the West stole democracy from the Arabs. It became completely grotesque when the great powers in the best colonial style began to assess the suitability of the individual peoples for independence: Syria itself ended up in category A – as suitable for independence, but Palestine ended up in category B.
What good is it that the War Criminal Tribunal in The Hague possesses extensive material when it lacks international political will to bring Syrian executioners to justice?