JI had been in Kristiansand on official's errand and on the way to the train I was sitting in a cafe at the train station, I was in a miserable mood and glancing at an empty railway station in the rain only increased my melancholy and I thought of what had been the headlines in all the newspapers about the upcoming presidential election in America, and that the self-inflicted narcissist and worst president that America had ever had, could be elected again, were fundamentally abhorrent, and then I thought of my son's good friend and neighbor Knut Arild Hareide and his attempts to be straight-backed and heard him speak at P2 to spearhead Trump's Christian conservative friends in the kingdom, who bowed out Hareide when critical of Trump, and he had to raise his voice to rage at those who so rudely bowed him out, that was simply embarrassing, and this is of course food for Frp and their weird version of Christianity.
It is as if a wildfire is dreading the world well controlled by the pyromaniac of the White House.
At the railway cafe I came to talk to the cafe owner, who was from Chile, and just by looking at the newspapers that were on a counter under the counter, as well as many flags, I thought he was politically left; I did not ask, so here I guessed and could have thought, sitting at the coffee table, that there is something constantly trying to keep the world from being shaken, I could have thought, while drinking coffee and eating a homemade cake – and as I was about to order it stood between the homemade cake or a croissant, and I wanted to ask the cafe owner if he knew of the anecdote, which I had no idea the truth about, who made the first croissants, but I did not; it was the Austrian bakers who were up early in the morning when the Ottoman forces were beaten by the Austrian forces, and the bakers then made a new moon shaped like a croissant – with the Chilean café owner who probably came here in the early 70s when Pinochet killed Allied and destroyed all Chilean democracy – even the great poet Neruda killed it, it is said, and singer Víctor Jara was killed by the soldiers of Pinochet and I sat in the cafe thinking of the Spanish Civil War and all the intellectuals was killed, and the great poet Lorca shot in rags, and I glanced out the window, and the gray rain-heavy train station was just in the right tone to reflect on the Spanish Civil War and the CIA in Chile, or the CIA worldwide , and how miserable the world still is. And now with a Russian megaloman who, in collaboration with the neurotic Turkish president, is destroying an entire country, well aided by the Syrian ophthalmologist and cold-blooded lone ruler and on top of it all the needy refugees, and this Turkish sovereign ruler is dreaming of getting rid of all Kurds in The Middle East, and what happens to ancient Persia, that is, Iran and Iraq, not to forget that the US president, with the largest military budget in the world, is asking the higher powers for Israel to become a great Israel, and then both forget The United States and Israel that Israel's closest neighbor, or that which is left of Palestine, will not forget anything; and then a former Brazilian army officer who is now president, and he does not care about the Amazon rainforest, and saw this Chinese-footed dictator who is in a strange war with the United States becoming the world's leading superpower, while refugee problems are only growing and growing; those who have been to one of the refugee camps in Greece are shocked by what is happening in Europe and where is the conscience of the world community.
You just have to rewind the time when Per Sandberg was politically active in Frp and walked around in a T-shirt with the words "Good Travel" and it was a rough and cruel point to all those who drowned in the Mediterranean; it is almost unbelievable that a parliamentary representative is so cynical; on the jersey he showed the soul to Frp, it is almost so that one can be unwell.
Ma the unthinkable continues, just think about what happened and what is happening in Brazil or what is going to happen in Sweden at the moment Moderates are no longer so moderate, because they will certainly form government with the Sweden Democrats just as the Right did with Frp in the kingdom, but the madness continues with a Chinese president who is so close and can't stand a critical word about the struggles he manages in his peculiar way, and everyone is terrified to step on his hypersensitive toes, but what takes the cake is that the imbesile Trump who dreams of becoming an American emperor may be elected again, and what is happening now in England is astonishing, to opt out of the EU is surely controversial in some circles, but whether it is by nostalgic reasons, then England is out to drive, for what happens at the moment Scotland wants out of the UK, then it will no longer be Britain, but Little Britain; the world has gone completely off the hook and has been doing it for a long time.
Where is the conscience of the world community?
Just thinking about North Korea is enough to realize that the madness is continuing, or what is happening in Sudan, and at the railway cafe I was sitting staring out at the train, which was still in its infancy; So the Sørlandsbanen sold to an English company just because the Right and the government always believe that it is the private business that is the locomotive itself (to keep me on the railroad) in the country, it is exactly the same with all the millions who go to tax relief, which whether all these millions will again accumulate more jobs, that many researchers have said does not happen, but the Right continues to provide tax relief, now without Frp in the government, but why the Left is in this Right government I do not understand, or why, something which is very interesting, Knut Arild Hareide joined this government after Frp became angry and passed out; what does he expect to get there with the others in the KrF who stabbed him so badly in the back as he tried to be straight-backed; I do not understand how he can join this right-wing government, if he does not want to fight resistance from inside the government?
Someone wrote or commented when the American emperor had trouble with the White House staff; that he or she (I don't remember if it was a lady or a man) ran a resistance fight from inside the White House, so I hope this one (whoever it is) doesn't give up, but continues to fight the stupidity of it the American emperor and finally receive a medal by Congress for heroic efforts.
But the madness does not go away, because what is happening now in Hungary and Poland is not good; it is as if a wildfire is dreading the world well controlled by the pyromaniac of the White House, and more and more are taking notice, just think of what is happening in the Philippines, where lawlessness is set, and in the US backyard, as it is called Latin America, not to forget Central America where Nicaragua has the most stringent abortion law in the world and what's going to happen in Guatemala or Venezuela not to forget the gangster violence in Mexico, it's almost impossible to understand that the law west of pecos now is the law in mexico, and the idiotic fence of the american emperor is totally meaningless, for who then to build the american cities and skyscrapers the moment the underpaid mexican must stay home.
Just think of what is happening in the Philippines, where the lawlessness is put in place.
Then there are some in the Storting who want to give the Nobel Peace Prize to NATO, like the blanket bomb Libya and made this part of Africa completely impossible to live in, because there stands one general against the other, as if Afghanistan is the role model itself, and then there are still great riots in France, the racism that is growing in Germany, and then, as always, there are strife in Italy, not to mention Spain, which draws people into prison just because they think Catalonia should get out of the claws of Madrid, all this while the climate is getting worse and worse; this is the light of the world right now and it is dark.