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Truls Lie

Editor-in-chief in MODERN TIMES. See previous articles by Lie i Le Monde diplomatique (2003–2013) and Morgenbladet (1993-2003) See also part video work by Lie here.

As it is said

Many have not had as much to say in the last hundred years in Norway, says the book "How free a country?".

Dear child has many names

José Saramago's novel "All the names" is now available in Norwegian. Ny Tid reviewed the book when it came out in Swedish three years ago. Read it again here. Online only.

At the price of cooperation

"With a strong and lively debate and a clear identity, you can manage almost any compromise," says Vänsterpartiet's deputy leader Johan Lönnroth. Now he wants to work with the social democrats.

Even hotter in the greenhouse

Previously, it was believed up to 3,5 degrees increase. Now the number is 6.