POWER: Millions of people's lives are affected by what is cooked up in such a nest of robbers as the Bilderberg League – but nothing comes out about the decisions. Just a summary: "The energy crisis and security issues were the most important topics of conversation" – people don't need to know more.
50 YEARS AGO: Why has the Middle East been a powder keg for 25 years? What is the background for the irreconcilable attitude between Israel and the Arab states? And what happened to the Palestinian Arabs when the state of Israel was established?
PEACE PRIZE: MODERN TIMES has chosen to reprint this article about the Nobel Peace Prize from ORINTERING 50 years ago. There are 351 candidates nominated this year, of which Jens Stoltenberg (with 'weapons for peace') and Volodymyr Zelenskyj have been proposed for this award. Former laureate Carl von Ossietzky was one of German militarism's most uncompromising opponents. Here we see how the Norwegian right-wing press reacted to this.
50 YEARS AGO: It is obvious that whoever has come the farthest in terms of weapons technology also has the right God and the right religion – white colonizers had the only true faith.
EUROPE: The Lord's people not only had the world's best weapons, they also had the world's best religion. It was the whites and their self-imposed right to do whatever they wanted at the expense of others.