[circulation figures] When Mediebedriftenes Landsforening (MBL) today published the circulation and readership figures for 2006, it was the increase to one newspaper that stood out strongly from all the others: In 2006, Ny Tid's circulation increased by as much as 114 percent, and ended at a approved circulation of 9258 as an average for last year. The circulation for 2005 was 4320 copies, and the increase comes after the newspaper in January 2006 since changed from tabloid to magazine information.
- It is a fantastic and rare opportunity to be allowed to sit down and find out what it is we most want to do, and then try to do it. This is a wonderful recognition and proof that readers think we are doing something right, says editor-in-chief Martine Aurdal.
Since the newspaper first appeared in magazine information in January 2006, the reception among readers has been formidable. Ny Tid and then editor Dag Herbjørnsrud, now development editor, did not go out with precise goals for the circulation at the time, but today the entire editorial staff cheers for the result.
- The entire staff at Ny Tid has worked hard throughout the year, to create a better journalistic product and to reach more and more people. Now we are heading further ahead, with the circulation peak as a goal next year as well, says Aurdal.
The other circulation winners were also so-called niche newspapers: Dagens Næringsliv increased the most among the daily newspapers, with an increase of 2336 newspapers. Morgenbladet increased for the fourth year in a row, last year with 1850 copies. Ukeavisa has thus had an increase of a total of 117 percent over four years – about the same percentage increase that Ny Tid has had in its first year in magazine information. ■