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Hans Henrik Fafner

Fafner is a regular critic in Ny Tid. Residing in Tel Aviv.

The anarchic path is the only right one

REVOLUTION? Initially, the outcry was, says John Holloway, with ideological stance in Zapatism.

Gandhi put into perspective

GANDHI: History professor Talat Ahmet has written a nuanced and thought-provoking biography of Gandhi, with special emphasis on his thoughts on civil disobedience and nonviolent protest.

The search for compromises

Judaism: Covered Up is an emotional film about a woman's inner struggle between personal choices and ultra-Orthodox Jewish tradition.

New borders in Europe

CONTROL: Today's European refugee policy is no longer about respect for free movement but about control.

The misunderstood revolution

IRAN: Solidly argued status of Iranian state 40 years after the fall of the Shah.

Forgiveness and revenge

MOSULS RUINS Film ISIS Tomorrow describes the state of Mosul in January 2018, six months after the city was liberated from Islamic State.

Sentenced to prison for his poetry

TEL AVIV: Palestinian poet Dareen Tatour was arrested and placed under house arrest by Israeli authorities in October 2015. Because of a poem. Well, she's out of house arrest. 3. March she comes to Oslo (at Vega, the salon).

Art that disturbs

TEL AVIV: Visual artist David Reeb's exhibition Disturbance challenges Israel's big taboo: the occupation of Palestine.

Small bits of beauty

EVERYDAY IN GAZA: The film portrays the resignation that is, in effect, a desire to find life and happiness in the midst of all the tragedies.