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Thomas Hylland Eriksen

Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo.

An incantation against neo-fascism

CAPITALISM: Is not the struggle now about the right not to be exploited, but the right to be allowed to participate? There is much that is valuable in Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen's short book about the possible return of fascism in today's world – but it is weak in terms of empirical documentation.

The pandemic and its societal implications

COVID-19: In a newly published interview anthology about the pandemic, Roger Waters says that war and climate change are killing us faster than anything else, but the breathing pause that began in March 2020 may still open up other alternatives. At the same time, the entire anthology presupposes digital technology – for which we can all be grateful.

A late hippie confessions

STREET NEWSPAPER: MODERN TIMES prints one of the essays in a new book about Gateavisa. Here is a reflection on how, in the postmodernist spirit, they had to reinvent themselves as an eighties magazine: In the editorial offices, everyone largely disagreed with everyone on everything from layout to US foreign policy. Here were purple undershirts, jackets from flea markets, scrolls and books about the eco-crisis.

Organic rage

ETHIOPIA: Could modernity have sprinkled some small blessings on people groups in Nobel laureate Abiy Ahmed's homeland?