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No promises to boarding school children

Education Minister Kristin Clemet (H) did not make any clear promises or commitments, but suggested that it may be relevant to look at child welfare legislation in relation to children attending Norwegian schools abroad.


It was when SV's parliamentary representative Rolf Reikvam addressed the problem of child and adolescent abuse at the state special schools in Norway during question time on March 3, that the minister was also asked if she was prepared to investigate the conditions at Norwegian boarding schools abroad.

Reikvam's questions were as follows:

- Ny Tid has revealed that there has also been abuse at Norwegian, private schools abroad that receive state support. Among other things, abuse has been uncovered at a number of mission schools. Does the Minister see it as meaning that it may also be relevant to go in and look at this type of school, and possibly strengthen the supervision of the schools that we have abroad?

Prime Minister Kristin Clemet had the following answers:

- This is also a current topic in the ministry at the moment. The Ministry of Education and Research is primarily responsible for the actual training abroad. We cannot regulate the upbringing environment or child welfare legislation in other countries, we cannot do that, but we are responsible for the training that takes place at these schools. We have tried to strengthen our responsibility, among other things. by setting up a separate PPT service abroad, to help with students who need that type of support. I can also say that in the near future, together with the Ministry of Children and Family Affairs, we will pay a visit to Spain to discuss the situation in more detail. I also noticed that at the start of the meeting today, a proposal was put forward here in the Chamber that intends to look at child welfare legislation with regard to children who go to Norwegian schools abroad.

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