[oslo channel] Former Prime Minister Kåre Willoch finds it striking that there are no documents in the Foreign Ministry's archives from the secret negotiations between Israel and the PLO in 1993.
- It is a matter of course that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sets itself in motion to fill in the gaps in the archive. I assume that you contact those involved to get the documents, says Willoch.
He has no sense of Terje Rød-Larsen's and Mona Juul's hints in last week's Ny Tid that the couple only have private documents.
- You should have a serious chat with them to tell them what is private and not private. There are many myths about the Oslo process. It is therefore important to get maximum clarity in why it went so wrong, says the former Conservative leader.
Two of the players in the Oslo channel, Jan Egeland and Thorvald Stoltenberg, are surprised by Ny Tid's findings in the case.
- It is incomprehensible to me that there is no more in the Foreign Ministry's archive, especially from the last phase
The Oslo canal where the mutual recognition letter exchange and Johan Jørgen Holst's very public diplomacy took place. Who did not know who filed what and where. I was not involved in this, says Egeland.
- I began my work for the UN in the Balkans on 1 May 1993. At the same time, I ended my contact with the Oslo process. I therefore have no idea about archiving the documents from the Oslo process. But I am surprised that nothing is in the Foreign Ministry's archive, says Stoltenberg.
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