- We receive an enormous amount of inquiries, and I just have to regret that we do not have time to treat everyone, says Anne Moberg, head of the Oslo World Music Festival.
She can therefore only regret that Folkelarm nominee Naheddi did not even get an answer when they wanted to play at last year's festival, but the attendance is so great that festival management is not able to answer everyone. At the same time, Moberg emphasizes that the festival aims to connect international world music stars with local talents.
- There are many world names who play at the Oslo World Music Festival, and we are afraid that local artists will drown in the crowd if we set them up on our own. That is why we work to connect Norwegian and foreign artists, so that they can collaborate and perform on the same stage as part of a package, says Moberg.
There is no shortage of Norwegian musicians during the festival, but most of them do not have an immigrant background. We talk about established names such as Unni Løvlid, Sjur Miljeteig, Frode Haltli and Rune «Sternklang» Brøndbo. If you look more closely into the program, however, fresh talents such as the Norwegian-Nyan girl rapper STL, the theater group Queendom, the promising Sami band Adjagas, the modern tango band Electrocutango and dancers, singers and rappers associated with X-Ray Ungdomshus show up.
- In fact, very little happens on the world music front in Norway, both in an international and Scandinavian context. We see that some traditional world musicians have moved to Norway and continue their musical work here, but I think it is the youngest generations who want to continue the music. A music that is characterized by its own cultural roots, international currents and upbringing in Norway, often based on popular genres such as hip hop, r & b and dancehall, Moberg concludes.