Professor Nordby accuses the SV leadership of being too cautious and "responsible" in the election campaign. Radical messages (voting results) from his SV meeting have been neglected, he says. The analysis is fair so far, but does not apply as an explanatory model for weak election results.
If the PEOPLE had wanted a social development that took a clear left turn, RV should have increased and not Ap. I strongly doubt that the FrP increase can be explained by a more cautious SV, because the elaborate FrP ran at the end of the election campaign for lower gasoline prices and alcohol taxes. These are not exactly issues that SV has caused.
The whole interview with Nordby was pathetic when he himself in the introduction reports that he has cleared the Ap. (When Nordby claims he has quit with the KRAFT party, I reckon he has quit the AP; and supports the classic "power democrats." Certainly not, he used the wrong metaphor. this election round, they are misunderstood. They did not have enough power to get things going!
But what protest is that? How qualified is it, then, to demand the SV leadership's departure from the basic lack of marking of real (radical) left-wing socialist ideas?
Mette Holmefjord Olsen is an SV member in Hordaland