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For a handful of euros

FOOD SAFETY: Fiction and reality in EU agricultural policy: The chemical industry and lobbying companies such as Copa-Cogeca and CropLife Europe delayed and derailed the EU's Farm to Fork strategy. In total, the lobbying contracts were worth over 50 million euros in 2020–2023. In November 2023, the SUR law (Sustainable Use Regulation) was stopped and voted down in the European plenary meeting in Strasbourg. What happened?

Vampiric overconsumption

WATER: Do we know the figures behind today's water consumption? For example, cotton from the fashion industry accounts for 10 per cent of global CO2 emissions – more than aviation and shipping combined. It costs 2700 liters of water to produce a cotton T-shirt. 140 liters of water to produce a cup of coffee. And one kilogram of beef requires a whopping 14 liters of water. Must we always let capitalism trump the future?