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The US plans were real – but the defense minister still won't respond

ORIENTERING 6. SEPTEMBER 1969 / On Monday last week, the West German magazine "Stern" reported that it had received a secret American plan for, among other things. ABC warfare in Europe. It states in detail how nuclear, chemical and biological weapons should be used in both Western and Eastern Europe. According to Arbeiderbladet, this has attracted "considerable attention" on the continent.


Here at home, the unveiling of the same plan has certainly not paid much attention. In No. 25, 28. June this year, published namely Orientering one of the documents in "COMSOTFE OPLAN No. 10-1" – or Operation Plan of No. 10-1 from the Commanding Officer for "Support Operations Task Force Europe". The plan, which consists of a four-page document with 29 pages appendices, draws up guidelines for "unconventional warfare" based on the use of nuclear weapons, chemical and biological weapons and guerrilla tactics.

The Americans confirm

An American military spokesman has confirmed to Stern that the plan is genuine. Norway, too, is within the scope of the plan, and it raises a number of fundamental questions about Norway's membership of NATO, about the constitutional rights of Norwegian constitutional authorities in wartime, and about our nuclear and base policies. 

This plan for "unconventional warfare" also includes use
of biological and chemical weapons.

As known published Orientering in its 1967 Christmas issue excerpt of another top secret US plan (USCIN CEUR OPLAN No. 100-1). In that case, it was the guidelines and draft for a regular US occupation of NATO member states. And Norway was at the top of the list of countries in which the United States would find it necessary to intervene if our country's military subordination to the United States was compromised.

But the defense minister is still silent

This plan has now been known for a year and a half, but Defense Minister Otto Grieg Tidemand has yet to comment on it. The question was raised in the Storting on June 13, 1968 in connection with the announcement of Norway's participation in NATO and four days later, on June 17, in connection with the Main Guidelines for the Defense Organization. Then Grieg Tidemand stated that “with and without Mr. Gustavsen has taken up the matter in the Storting, it should now be possible to have it clarified on a responsible level. "

But it doesn't look that way. Since 21 June last year, the Minister of Defense has had photocopy copies of these documents. Orientering has requested a comment in No. 4/68, No. 45/68, No. 24/69 and No. 25/69. But the defense minister did not want to answer. 

Similar plans in Greece, Italy and Spain. Clearer than anything else, these two plans document that 

NATO membership today has become a threat to the small countries in the alliance. We know that similar plans were behind Junta's takeover of power in Greece on April 21, 1967. We know that Italian officers with General de Lorenzo at the forefront intended to conduct a coup d'état in Italy in 1964 on the basis of a similar plan. And we know that American forces have taken part in a "liberation game" in Spain where they had the task of defeating guerrilla forces fighting the Franco regime.

The Americans have even admitted that "COMSOTFE OPLAN # 10-1" is real. Nor have they been able to document that plan Orientering published in 1967, should be illegitimate. But the defense minister is still as silent.

Our national lie of life

Minister of Defense Otto Grieg Tidemand

The most recently published plan states, among other things: “National politics will allow the use of local personnel in time of war to assist in the equipment, use and firing of nuclear weapons. This does not include the use of local personnel in peacetime. "

The guidelines in this plan show what the NATO politicians' position on Norwegian nuclear and base policy is really worth. Nuclear weapons will also be used in our country. The wording of the document fully confirms the statements that Major Svein Blindheim, Vice-Chairman of the Norway Campaign out of NATO, has previously made Orientering: «Norway's base policy is 1) based on the fact that in the event of war we shall use nuclear weapons, 2) that we practice using them and 3) that procedures have been established for how the weapons are to be requisitioned delivered against the targets operational Norwegian commanders choose to use them against. " Blindheim's conclusion is that NATO membership and nuclear policy have become our great national life lie.

Bestial weapons – unmanageable consequences

This plan for "unconventional warfare" also includes the use of biological and chemical weapons. It states that "Specific targets for the use of chemical and biological charges, which include defoliants, plant poisons and agents that destroy agricultural crops, will be determined as the situation and operational requirements dictate". Furthermore, chemical and biological charges and training aid can be transferred to "guerrilla and indigenous forces" if it takes place under the leadership of COM SOTFE.

US forces today use chemical and biological weapons to crack down on the Vietnamese people's resistance to the American war of aggression. There are bestial weapons that have unforeseen consequences for the human organism, for hereditary systems for future generations and weapons that destroy soil and life opportunities for future generations. The United States plans to use such weapons in Europe as well, while its disarmament ambassador is taking part in solemn and lengthy deliberations in Geneva on the control of biological and chemical weapons. 

Norway, unlike the United States, has signed the Geneva Protocol of 1925 prohibiting the use of such weapons. The documents that have now been published raise fundamental questions, not only about our official nuclear and base policy, but also about the Norwegian authorities' right to control their own country in war and about our NATO membership. Why is the otherwise talkative shipowner in the Ministry of Defense now so silent?

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