Erwin Neutzsky-Wulff, Danish writer and philosopher (b. 1949), debuted in 1971 with the novel Dialogue on the twenty-first century's two most important world systems. The authorship is over 20 pages and includes everything from porno short stories (which Neutzsky-Wulff wrote as editor of Weekend Sex), poems and novels, from groundbreaking textbooks on programming to non-fiction on esoteric subjects such as Kabbalah and the occult. In the 000s, he was active in the horror-inspired comics scene in Copenhagen at the magazine GRU. Norwegian comics' grand old man Torstein Gundersen (who far too few know, died 2013) was in the same Copenhagen comics milieu and drew covers for several of Erwin Neutzsky-Wulff's earliest books.
The supernatural
Neutzsky-Wulff has passed the age of 70, and there are those who think he is a genius. The author is fluent in ten languages. The authorship revolves around philosophical and civilization-critical themes (Gods of the North, 2021, which includes a genuine retelling of the Voluspa) and a number of novels in the now so popular science-fiction genre. In 2010, he established his own publishing house. The supernatural (2004) is still considered his main work.
Neutzsky-Wulff deals concretely with the so-called supernatural and unfolds great knowledge through insight into magic, occultism, religion, philosophy of language, linguistics and more. He places these subject areas in a concrete (language) philosophical context of his own. On Danish Wikipedia, this context is described as "Supernatural Phenomenology with natural scientific and neurological grounds" (https://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erwin_Neutzsky-Wulff). Neutzsky-Wulff is of course fluent in Hebrew, and sat on the committee that newly translated the Bible into Danish.
Neuroscience, quantum physics and natural sciences
Here we shall refer to his religious anthropological book Bibelen (2011, own publisher: www.enwforlag.dk), a work of 800 pages. The book is accessible to all and both scholarly and witty, with chapter headings with words such as 'the flood', 'the fathers', 'the nine commandments', 'the law', 'the promised land', 'enthroned', 'the prophets', 'Jesus' , 'The Sermon on the Mount', 'Christianity', 'The Truth', 'Trance', etc. Neutzsky-Wulffs Bibelen is intricately lush and a surprisingly inspiring reading experience. The reader's curiosity is challenged, and one must deal openly with interpretations of the Bible's mythological baggage and historical facts, and less assumed facts, which the author also clearly notes.
The Bible is without comparison the most influential book of Western civilization – and thus the world.
As you know, the two main books of the Bible consist of the Old Testament and the New Testament. All the testaments in the Bible are related to a "strange mixture of Babylonian mythology, myths, and historical falsification", writes Neutzsky-Wulff. One is advised not to take the theologians' babble too literally. Bibelen is without comparison the most influential book of Western civilization – and thus the world. It is a religion of books. Like Judaism and Islam it is. The Quran is in principle a commentary book to the Bible, writes Neutzsky-Wulff.
Neutzsky-Wulff defines the romanticized term soul, or – as it is called in our time – psyche, consciousness. The author relates to neuroscience, quantum physics and natural science, to concretize his anthropological reading and interpretation of the ancient writings. The soul operates neurologically, i brain, operative in the limbic system of the brain, and genetically and neurologically related, he writes. The Bible adheres to fundamental values such as 'good', 'evil', and the belief in salvation through Protestant progress (capitalist growth, as we call it today). The books of the Bible constitute a primitive dualism, on the one hand, and a more sophisticated understanding of the world on the other, influenced by the Dionysian mysteries. Christianity is a mystery religion.
The world is human
Our ancestors' and our own worldview is anthropocentric and anthropomorphic. Neutzsky-Wulff claims that there is no external world that stands in opposition to the internal. Nothing physical that is not psychological, and vice versa. It is only this world we live in, as humans. The world is human. Man-made. There are no independent actions, no free will, for anyone who might believe that. We are neurologicallye. We can imagine that a small, imaginary person (Ego) sits inside the brain and makes so-called individual and subjective decisions and choices. A so-called subjective 'I'. According to Neutzsky-Wulff, this represents an extremely primitive perception of reality. We are prisoners in a somatic prison.
The notion of the soul is a pervasive experience, so to speak, in the spiritual and religious poetry of human history. The word 'soul' etymologically means 'ejected', 'breath', or, to put it another way: a dynamic principle that connects man to the world. And the soul, or the spirit – if you like, as Jon Fosse, as an acquaintance, also swears so simply and subtly, belongs first and foremost to God(s). The world is human. Since it is of necessity this version of the world we live in. Man is created in the 'images of the gods', i.e. by a secondary creator. Man came into existence for the world's sake, not the world for man's sake. Translated, Adam means 'man'.
No religion has produced as many monstrous claims as Christianity, and no one has taken the same for self-evident truths to the same extent, claims Neutzsky-Wulff. The theologians have made it their duty to elevate obvious absurdities into venerable mysteries, which are only accessible to uncritical believers, says Neutzsky-Wulff.
We must remember that the Bible, as edited in the reformatted edition, leaves out many other books. The book of Enoch, for example. The testaments, which are included in our Bible, are adapted to it monotheistice world view. But the world consists of gods, not one god, repeats Neutzsky-Wulff.
The Bible is Jewnes mythical history. And the gods are not philosophical abstractions, but absolutely real natural phenomena. Gods and gods' sons/daughters are the personification of the cosmic laws of the time and expressions of how the cosmos works. When we arrange and interpret and reinterpret sensory impressions, it is simply because we have an alphabet at our disposal, and words, to describe so-called objects in 'reality', as it is called. We give the sensation a conceptual condition. The world is perceived in language. Neutzsky-Wulff mentions the Hebrew word Dabhar, meaning 'word', or a 'thing', from the verb 'to arrange', or 'connect'. If you read carefully, you see an organizing principle appearing in Genesis: "And God said: Let there be light! And there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good, and God separated the light from the darkness. And God called the light day, and the darkness he called night" (translation, Kjell Arild Pollestad. Forlaget Press, 2023). Light must be created so that we can see, and then arrange darkness against light, day against night, good from evil – after the fall.
The Bible gives us concepts about how people thought in a time when gods were as natural as a camel.
The Bible, in the original, so to speak, is not a book that can be read immediately, and it is demanding if you really go into the context. It is like a puzzle, with a mixture of the universal Middle Eastern creation account and the legendary history of the Israelites. The Bible gives us concepts of how people thought in a time when gods were as natural as a camel. Neutzsky-Wulff displays, as far as I can understand, great knowledge and knowledge of it Hebrewe quirks of language. The Hebrew language has a magical vocabulary for various supernatural beings and phenomena, with references to Kabba, which is synonymous with number and letter mysticism, from the Old Testament.
Reality is fragile
Spring world view is conceptual, just as our behavior is conceptually conditioned. We are an echo of our neurological processes. We live in a collective dream world. Reality is fragile. The world as cognitive behavior. Reality is a conceptualization of neural dynamics.
The thinking is hidden in the Hebrew language.
If we read the Bible in the original rather than in translations, we discover that the thinking itself is hidden in the Hebrew language. Our language does not express and interpret the world immediately and spontaneously as we would like to believe, but also blocks out large parts of it, which cannot be described in language. What cannot be described through logical language therefore does not exist. Our world understanding and interpretation is dualistic and has produced a conceptual apparatus of which our civilization and culture are a consequence. If one moves beyond dualism and ignores causal laws, reality explodes like a troll. The supernatural can again be experienced and learned in a concrete sense, where we almost reverse our current perception and open (Doors of Perception) for other religious experiences. The supernaturale and magic, as a very present phenomenon, and as in the dawn of time, was a completely common (and sacred) part of man's natural relationship with kosmos.
Neutzsky-Wulff also relates to the myth of Jesus (there are no provable facts about his real existence), our pseudo-religiosity (Christianity), theocracy, false democracy and personal responsibility – it is necessary to become aware. As I said, Neutzsky-Wulff relates to up-to-date quantum physics, consciousness research and neurology in order to put his experience into a wider perspective, to say the least.
"At its most fundamental, language consists of the letters of the alphabet. According to this way of thinking, they are the atoms of the world", writes Neutzsky-Wulff. A statement that can also be found in Muslim mysticism, Sufism.
Neutzsky-Wulffs Bibelen is recommended. Easy to read, accessible knowledge, but also with cryptic formulations and philosophical discussions. There is enough material here to turn many unresolved questions religiouse discussions on their heads, literally. In the beginning was order. And reality arose in the sound of the word.
Se http://www.enwforlag.dk
Latest releases by Neutzsky-Wulff: Index to Grimoire (2023) grimoire (2022) Horror 2 (2021) From Christian Birch's Left Papers (2020) Behavior (2019) Liv (2019) Meet (2018) The theory of everything (2017) Drøm (2016) Hitler (2015) Religion (2015) Roman (2014) Horror (2013) Denmark (2012) Bibelen (2011) 9999 (2012) The brain (2006) The supernatural (2004)