[news] The time is 07.00:XNUMX. Hans Henrik Torgersen has been sitting here since midnight. Guard Chief Arve Vassbotten arrived an hour ago and has opened a Cola Light. At the top is a case about threats to the Norwegian economy, it's quiet
TV 2 Nettavisen's premises. Outside the windows, the first umbrellas of the day are passing by.
From Saturday June 3, Nettavisen can become one of the very few media in Norway that does not strike. But this day it is full roll.
The news spills over into the public eye. Three of the four largest online newspapers in Norway – Dagbladet, Nettavisen, Aftenposten – publish a total of around 550 articles on their front page in the course of a day, according to their own figures. VG says they have numbers, but will not release them.
- The quality of a news website – or how attractive it is – is created by far more than the number of published cases, says editor Torry Pedersen in VG Nett.
Sure, of course, but it's a little fun to count too, Ny Tid thinks and counts on. The Wednesday paper newspapers for last week for example, count, count. Nationen, Vårt Land, Dagsavisen, Klassekampen, Dagens Næringsliv, Aftenposten, VG and Dagbladet have a total of around 380 news articles and notices, some unpretentious tents. There are 262 newspapers in this country, 182 of which have news service. Recently, we got two new websites for economics in Norway, NA24 and N24. TV 2 creates its own TV news channel with live broadcasts around the clock. NRK radio has "Always news" and news in absolutely all channels every single hour. CNN and the BBC broadcast news around the clock. The competition to be first out with the news is getting tougher. There have never been so many journalists and so many information staff in Norway. Is there really enough happening in this small country to defend this?
"My News"
Those who are employed in a managerial job in a news media in Norway all say that they should focus on "own news". Own good news is gods. Own good news is lifted and worshiped. And awards.
At Nettavisen's premises it is now 07.30. The water bottom is half way down in the Cola Light bottle say. Empty chairs and coffee cups fill. The news is being swept faster, faster, the case of China and the mines are out. When the UDI roar exploded, Nettavisen blew things out all day. They used up every angle that, in prehistoric times, could fill newspapers for a whole week. They had the reactions, they had Osmundsen, Nordby, all the politicians. Hagen asked for a review at lunchtime.
- The day ended from here with the case VG had in print the next day. Most of it was emptied out! says head of the social department, Ole Berthelsen.
Keyboard sounds, key, key throughout the room now.
- Is there something on the morning news we do not have?
- Is a high-pressure washer written with one or two ss? roper and.
- Trond! Could you check the girl from Kristiansand? Geir wants a new case. P4 has reported that two men have done so. If that's right, it's a new peg.
When the news breaks
Where does all the news come from? Boxes with news from all over the world pop up on the screens in Nettavisen.
- If there is something breaking from the AP, it flashes and ravages! says Vassbotten.
The best news is often dug up over time. But the daily news is broadcast from international and national news agencies. They come more and more from other journalists. Media researcher Arne Krumsvik at Oslo University College says you might take one phone call, but it is rare to double-check facts in other media's texts. The news also comes from information consultants, from reports and researchers, from police rounds, from outside tips. They are recycled. Someone has announced what is going to happen or has happened – or someone thinks something.
- If others have broken a case, then we try to recover, says Vassbotten, and repeats that they will be first on big cases.
- We must be the best. And have the pictures first, he says.
- It is about being the first to come out of the spotlight on major event news, not 20 minutes after the others, says Liv Ekeberg, head of the News Service in TV 2 Nettavisen.
They monitor 650 websites at home and abroad.
Most at lunchtime
08.06: The Storting cancels an electric shock. At 08.14, one girl and 15 boys have arrived at work. Full concentration. Tom Cola Light bottle. Taste, taste, hammer, hammer. More umbrellas on Karl Johan. Børre Haugli is the editor and security manager and says that the first days of the holiday he can manage without the internet and newspapers, then the craving comes back. The news craving. Coffee next to the keyboard, and Børre says he does not dare to think about how many cups there will be. CNN is banging on the wall. And everyone in the room knows such things as that Nettavisen has the most readers at lunchtime and just before 16 pm. From 18 pm onwards, NRK1, NRK2, TV 2 and TVNorge will run a total of nine news broadcasts.
A new Cola Light bottle is on the table. Outside it has become a proper morning. On the way back we see a new, green excavator digging at Rudolf Nilsen's place. At Schous Brewery, a man scrubs his balcony on the outside. A dandelion has withered since the last time. Hardly breaking.
Chewing and copying
How is the news production in Norway?
We ask the researcher.
[production] – There will be ruminating and a lot of copying, says Arne Krumsvik, laughs a little and says the exclusive news no longer exists, it must be the one that no one bothers to quote.He is a research fellow at Oslo University College and is researching the role of journalism in a new digital age. He says that before it was the case that you did not run news that others had had.
- But now no one has an overview. So instead of asking if anyone else has had it, they ask how they can have it in their own way, says Krumsvik.
Krumsvik has been on several sides of the table. He helped build Dagbladet.no and has also been radio manager at Kanal 24.
- Why have your own, good news so high
- It is the news that has created circulation figures, and those who win prizes. But the news hunter is not always a hero. Very often the scoop comes from a small tip, from sources who have their agendas. Digging journalism can be spectacular, but also boring and expensive. The fashion wave of investing in this passed quickly. Internally, there are often other forms of expression that have a higher status, such as writing leaders and comments, says Krumsvik.
After 15 years as a news journalist, it still stings in him when he sees old news presented with emphasis on television.
- People are updated on breaking news throughout the day. It's been a long time since there was news on Dagsrevyen. Their goal has been to sum up the day, says Krumsvik.
- And if this case were to receive news coverage, and be lifted and legitimized and quoted, what would I do then?
Krumsvik just laughs, heh, heh, before he hiccups a "yes, yes, good luck!"