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Hanne Ramsdal

Ramsdal is a writer.

National Library: It's as if the building has been waiting for this

The National Library recently opened an exhibition on Norwegian sci-fi. "Maybe more than ever we need a genre that can contain philosophical and difficult questions about our existence," writes author Hanne Ramsdal.

Photography for change

Dorothea Lange and Vanessa Winship's joint exhibition in London show political photography from two very different eras – how much is still the same. 

Machine Man

The technological man was recently examined during a seminar organized by the Norwegian Critics' Association, as part of the literature festival at Lillehammer.

Alternative universes

In the exhibition Into the Unknown in London, even an 42 year old mother and her 13 old son can find common ground – on a journey through sci-fi history.

Get one in hell

"I'm not more important. I want to live in an equal society, ”writes Hanne Ramsdal, who has created performing arts about her husband's lack of rights as a father. 

The fathers have fought, the mothers are right 

The book Samværs-sabotage can be recommended to anyone who is concerned about the children's best interests. 

Project cell division 

The writing workshops in Oslo Prison revealed a peculiar vocabulary of words that mean other things within the walls than out here.

The Witnesses write

A writing course for the elderly offers constant surprises, a fearless clarity and concise, precise wording. Ny Tid reproduces here several texts from some of the most recent witnesses from World War II.