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NOTICE (Orientering)

Alerts wanted!

EMAILS: Independent experts say that internals must have leaked Hillary Clinton's secrets. The burglary and theft of e-mails in the Democrats' computer could not have happened from outside.

Excavation journalist Seymour Hersh – a role model

JOURNALISM: Among the best, the American journalist Seymour Hersh (83) reigns. He is blackened from both the right and left flanks – but regrets nothing.

The government did not strengthen whistleblower protection

NOTICE: The government did not follow up on the notification committee's proposal, neither about its own notification ombudsman nor its own notification committee.

"I failed to stop the Iraq war"

THE UN SECURITY COUNCIL: Katharine Gun leaked information about the NSA's request to the British intelligence service GCHQ to spy on members of the UN Security Council in connection with the planned invasion of Iraq.

"Stink journalism" against whistleblowers

JOURNALISM: Professor Gisle Selnes writes that Harald Stanghelle's article in Aftenposten on 23 February 2020 "looks like a statement of support, [but] lies as a framework around the aggravated attack on Assange". He is right. But has Aftenposten always had this relationship with whistleblowers, as in the case of Edward Snowden?

About Assange, torture and punishment

Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, says the following about Assange: