Damn it ... now I know there is an organization in South Africa called SAIMR, the South African Institute for Maritime Research. A secret lodge that, according to the film, was involved in the assassination of Swedish UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld in 1961 – where his plane on his way to Congo crashed under mysterious circumstances. About how and why the Swede, who wanted colonialism to live and met great resistance from whites in southern Africa, died.
About this, Mads Brügger has made a film with Göran Björkdahl, who has studied the Hammarskjöld case most of his adult life. It has almost become an obsession for him. Brügger has worked with Björkdahl for six years in the best journalistic way – og in the best Mads Brügger movie style in which he is in the picture, the white man plays with the tropical hat, who wants to dig up the remains of the airplane but is not allowed, hands-shaking a cigar, is asked by Björkdahl why he shakes his hands , 'You tend to be one cool Lighthouse".
In it, the Swede is right when Brügger self-styled dressed in white as the members of the SAIMR – we are told – dictates the film's manuscript to first then the other black secretary, who not only writes down but also responds to the information that blacks get injections with AIDS. "Gruesome," says one secretary. She is right, and it is impressive and appalling what the two dig up from the information and testimonies of people who dare to stand out.

Long articles have been written in connection with the film The Observer and other places where the studies and the protagonists are presented. As one review has highlighted, the film's content is a sensation – the late Maxwell's diary which reveals a lot, Geoffrey Jones who according to the closing lyrics now lives in hiding somewhere because of what he says. He goes so far as to say the CIA when he is asked who could have been behind the plane crash and the murder of the nice, decent Hammarskjöld, who has given his name to a fine avenue in Copenhagen that houses the American embassy!
Brügger delivers his best film here. He mixes the staging with an honest doubt as he discovers that he is on his way to dig something big out of history oblivion. He slips from being a protagonist in yet another absurd story to leaving the movie wearing the tropical hat and giving the audience a twisted suspense film that has many humorous elements but even more, with its head shaking over the hideous white face of colonialism. Damn it!