LITERATURE: It is time to come to terms with the absence metaphysics of Georg Johannesen (GJ), Arnfinn Åslund and Arild Linneberg. The metaphysics of absence, the alleged incomprehensibility, was the basis for GJ to ride his own fads. This is a basic structure in GJ's own rhetorical control technique.
DAY SUNSHINE: There are now over 400 pages of critical interpretation and analysis of Dag Solstad's novel literature – from the philosophical journal Agora.
PHILOSOPHY: Shortly after Agora's magnificent publication on populism, the magazine follows up with an even thicker publication. This time it is about Michel Foucault and his groundbreaking series of lectures on neoliberalism.
TRUMP: In the latest issue of Agora with populism as its theme, Donald Trump comes out in two variants: in a very personal version (where he owes just about everything he owns) and as a patrimonial leader in a postmodern USA