Tensions increase and tears in common as we follow young Chinese actors as they are trained as Mao Zedong's Red Guardians and relive the Chinese Cultural Revolution.
John Pilger's documentary is a compelling vision of an upcoming war, and an insistent plea to Western audiences to rethink what they think they know. The movie is now available on DVD.
Chinese security authorities have begun to equip the police with "digital glasses" and are already sitting on a data bank where the faces of 1,3 billions of adult people in the country are digitally stored.
The United States is calling for a picture of itself as the heroic country that can save the world from an "increasingly aggressive China". At the same time, 400 US military bases surround China with rockets, bombers, warships and, above all, nuclear weapons.
Informative and unambiguous film about the modern slave industry of the clothing industry, which is in stark contrast to the smooth-polished advertising images we consume in line with our empty and ever-changing needs.