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A renewal of the critique of ideology

ALIENATION: This little book by Rahel Jaeggi is stimulating and useful – at a time when ideology criticism and the hermeneutics of suspicion have come under pressure, among other things from people who cultivate 'presence' and the everyday. And what if our actions and institutions are emptied of meaning and go on autopilot – will we be perceived as alienated?

On the relationship between poetry and philosophy

PHILOSOPHY: In the book The Poetics of Reason, Stefán Snævarr goes against a too strict concept of rationality: To live rationally is not only to find the best means to realize one's goals, but also to make life meaningful and coherent. Parts of this work should enter all disciplines concerned with models, metaphors and narratives.

A romantic essayist

POSTHUMOUS ESSAYS: Stian Grøgaard was looking for an authenticity that is difficult to find. At the same time, he takes the reader by surprise and sweeps him away without reservation, apology or warning.

The Internet is designed to reinforce social contradictions

SOCIAL MEDIA: Mike Watson compares internet lefties to selfie makers who create awareness around themselves.

Bjørneboe and the theater's future

CONVERSATION: Do we have too many "petty-bourgeois" or aestheticized dramas when time holds so many major political problems? Therese Bjørneboe about her father and the theater before and now.

Geoff Dyer – an aristocratic essayist

COMPASSION? A mixture of helplessness and arrogance: Have the Knausgård fans got someone they can identify with?

The 68 generation according to German history writing

Three newly published books on the sixties provide some surprising and new perspectives. All are written by scientists who do not even belong to this mythical generation.

The art of living essayistically

The most fascinating parts of Dillon's essays on the essay are about how the genre embodies a different form from the literary.