PHILOSOPHY: Sigurd Hverven emphasizes the procedural aspects of Hegel and draws the conclusion that philosophy is "to grasp one's own time in thought". His book about the German philosopher has gone a long way to becoming a self-help book for young adults and also provides examples of the philosophical consequences of smartphone use, child rearing and love relationships.
WOMEN: On the occasion of Women's Day on March 8, MODERN TIMES prints here, in reflection on the changing times, an excerpt from Eivind Tjønneland's new book «Abnormal» women – Henrik Ibsen and the decadence. Ibsen's dramas were described in 1893 as written for hysterical women, male masochists and the mentally retarded.
JOURNALISM: Professor Gisle Selnes writes that Harald Stanghelle's article in Aftenposten on 23 February 2020 "looks like a statement of support, [but] lies as a framework around the aggravated attack on Assange". He is right. But has Aftenposten always had this relationship with whistleblowers, as in the case of Edward Snowden?