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Henning Næs

Literary critic in MODERN TIMES.

What is freedom without governance?

paternalism: Sunstein advocates active social manipulation to help us make smarter choices. In the book On Freedom, he questions whether free choice actually promotes human welfare.

Vammel serving of Lama

SPIRITUALITY: When defending our common future, more than flatness is needed about the importance of harmony and the assumption of power.

The climate, it's us

ACTIVISM: No reason for optimism when it comes to climate, according to the youth generation. Still, this book is full of hope.

The personal climate crisis

CLIMATE MATCH: Greta Thunberg looks through the hypocrisy of the adults with a sharp look. Maybe only a person like her can save the world.

Together we are less alone

COOPERATION: The competition principle of neoliberalism goes against our nature. It is cooperation that is unique to our species – and cooperation that can save us.

What would Machiavelli do?

China and India are emerging as the new superpowers, and the West must find a new foothold in a moving world

Together we are less alone

The competition principle of neoliberalism goes against our nature; it is cooperation that is unique to our species – and cooperation that can save us.

Road trip to hell

Solar is an exceptional, apocalyptic novel about a human being, moving from modern alienation to a dissolution in the world universe.

About Donald, Vladimir and…

Timothy Snyder is convincing in his explanation of how our world understanding has been replaced by a "national understanding".