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Mikkel Bolt

Professor of political aesthetics at the University of Copenhagen.

The drop that causes the cup to overflow

resurrection: The three books are equal parts revolutionary manifestos for those who want an analysis of the state of affairs, and strategic manuals for those who have already taken to the streets and revolted.

USA: It's Going Down!

THE PROTESTS IN THE USA: Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Houston, LA, Louisville, New York, Miami, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Portland, Oregon, Richmond, Salt Lake City, Seattle and Washington. A response to the structural violence the poor are facing.

How capitalist alienation has assumed form

MEDIA fellowship: An analysis of how human relationships, including language, have been staged. Here in a cool elegance, what Debord himself called "the style of negation."

Thomas Piketty does not settle for a crisis of capitalism

DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM: Piketty's latest book is about redistribution and not so much else. There is an awful lot of statistics and some fine literary examples. The hope of green capitalism seems to have completely disappeared.

Climate activism without the state

RADICAL CRITICISM? Is the climate crisis legitimizing a new authoritarian state mode of government?

Filmatic rebellion

PROTEST: Morgan Adamson's Enduring Images brings new life to the 1960s revolutionary film and reminds us of the need to fight the prevailing forms of representation.

A rebel universality from below

ORDER OF THE ORDER: The ruling order does everything in its power to derail the uprisings.

Trump's raucous racist rhetoric

BIOPOLITIK: Does the public notion of order necessitate extreme violence against specific population groups (natives, blacks, Muslims etc.)? May 5000 poor and lost migrants meet by a wall and mobilize 15000 soldiers?

A new destructive communism

AVSÆTTELSE: Is it possible to try to merge art and life into a revolutionary art of life beyond the state and money?