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Terje Dragseth

Author and filmmaker.

About recognition and power

When Trump acts as he does, impulsively and timidly, it is in the desire for recognition.

I, an algorithm

My needs are synthetic. They contain all my so-called desires, yes, the very momentum in my presence, as an I, an algorithm.

Happiness in the interior through the night

Why do travelers have an aversion to identifying themselves as tourists? Because one wants to live in all realities rather than visit them.

Norwegian film – a toothless affair

We wallow in commercial hero worship and reactionary swarm. Film as a recognition process is a story only in the Norwegian context. 

Star dust and dream

An entirely different side of dangerous Medellin, if you've been watching the Narcos TV series about Pablo Escobar. What can poetry bring to mind in this Latin American metropolis? 

The toughest of all mass movements roar at the gate

Europe's governments are imposing strict measures in country after country to stem the despair and fear that has gathered in the refugees. It is, after all, judging a futile work. "There is nothing man ...

The fascinating decay

Scenes from an imaginary dystopian movie: Evening. A smiling Donald Trump in front with a red tie, behind slightly stressed lackeys with weapons under his jacket, on his way into the White House. When the Norwegian Writers' Center proposes to applicants ...

The story of sadness

Plastic wrapped goods, slaps and termination sales. What kind of life is there? One of last year's major literary events provides a counterbalance to linguistic imagination and staggering dissections – even as sad as it is.