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Infection tracking, monitoring and consequences

Surveillance: How much freedom do you really have, if your movements are restricted by a corona pass and you get fired if you refuse to be vaccinated?

To combine research, observation, gut feelings and human knowledge

LANGTVEKISTAN: Erika Fatland has taken the journey across childhood's promised fantasy land that stretches across several national territories.

At a time when only "necessary" travel is allowed

TO TRAVEL: Where are you going to travel when the pandemic ravages the destination? In the literature, of course. On the desolate islands of the books, you can stretch up the hammock without being infected by anything other than longing.

A woman in the boys club

PHOTO: Inge Morath was one of the few female photographers of the 1950 who gained membership in the male-dominated Magnum Photos. In this illustrated biography we get to take part in her adventurous and unconventional life.