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Taboo in Telekom-Norway

The article on 5G development in Ny Tid's October issue addresses the suspected harmful effects of wireless technology. Authorities around the world have listened to the researchers and acted – Norwegian authorities do the opposite.


In recent years, several countries have listened to the strong warnings of professionals and introduced strict precautionary laws to protect children from suspected harmful effects of radiation from standard wireless technology – such as mobile telephony and Wi-Fi. In Norway, this information is almost a taboo for the authorities and the media. Instead, schools and kindergartens are digitized without precautionary considerations, and our cities will be "smart" with new 5G technology. The Norwegian authorities seem to be hoping that "smart technology" will become "the new oil".

International examples. In January, Cyprus decided to completely ban Wi-Fi in all public kindergartens. The Cypriot authorities also decided to stop all wireless network installation in primary schools, and to introduce very strict restrictions on use in schools that already have this (in practice it should only be used exceptionally by students, and only with parental consent). Similar legislation has been introduced in France and French Polynesia and partly in Israel, where the metropolitan city of Haifa has gone the longest and has decided to totally ban Wi-Fi in primary school. Some cities and regions in Belgium, Spain, Italy and Austria have also introduced bans and restrictions.

The news of a possible injury effect is not widely available to the Norwegian public.

Many countries also advise citizens to use simple measures to reduce "everyday radiation". In Krakow (Poland), local authorities have also decided to offer measurement equipment for this type of radiation to the inhabitants, so that people can measure how much radiation they are exposed to. Russian health authorities recommend that children and pregnant women avoid using a mobile phone. Russian radiation protection authorities discourage the use of Wi-Fi technology in school and describe our limits as irrelevant as protection in today's radiation reality.

Serious health risk. In 2011, the International Cancer Research Agency (IARC / WHO) categorized all radiation from wireless technology as "possible carcinogen". Several IARC experts argue that it is now time for an even stricter cancer classification as recent studies strengthen the evidence that radiation below the limit values ​​can increase the risk of cancer. Published results from the largest new study in the field – the National Toxicology Program (NTP) – demonstrate, in addition to increased cancer incidence, a significantly increased rate of DNA damage in parts of the brain of the irradiated laboratory animals.

Several countries are introducing strict precautionary laws to protect children from suspected harmful effects of wireless technology radiation.

Health risk warnings and recommendations on precautionary measures have come from a number of key bodies over the past ten years such as the Council of Europe (Resolution 1815, 2011), the European Environment Council (EEA), the European Parliament (in two resolutions), Canada's Health Committee, French Agency for Health, Food Safety and Working Environment (ANSES), Russia's radiation protection authorities, European and American environmental medicine organizations (EUROPAEM and AAEM) and several (children's) medical associations. In addition, there are several major medical and research calls. An appeal to the UN (2015) has been signed by more than 230 published radiation scientists from 41 countries. In the autumn, a research and medical appeal to halt the development of the 5G network in Europe until the damage has been resolved was delivered to the European Parliament. The researchers warn, among other things, against damage to heredity and fertility, neurological damage and cancer, as well as damage to animals and plant life.

Girl against the stream. The news about this, however, reaches little to the Norwegian public, where there is striking silence on the topic. The major media is instead characterized by toothless consumer journalism about the latest "smart" dump sites, for the benefit of advertisers and owners. Our politicians are almost committed to highlighting the spread of increasingly wireless "smart" technology in society. But the cost of this "beam experiment" can be extremely high – for health, economy and the environment – even if only some of the academic warnings are correct. The dream of "Smart-Norway" can be a nightmare.

Selected sources:

Declarations from medical societies and pediatric societies: wireless /
Cancer Classification: Expert DECLARE cell-phone-and-wireless-radiation-as-carcinogenic-to-humans-849135.htm
Findings from NTP: 'finds-cell.html? spref = fb
Council of Europe Resolution 1815: / xref / Xref-XML2HTML-en.asp?fileid = 17994 & lang = en
European Parliament resolutions: = P6-TA-2008 to 0410 og / pubRef = – // EP //TEXT + TA + P6-TA from 2009 to 0216 + 0 + DOC +XML + V0 // EN
European Championships: / reveh-2016-0011 / reveh-2016-0011.xml?rskey = BFhF0Q & result = 1


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Ingrid Wreden Kåss
Ingrid Wreden Kåss
Wreden Kåss is a writer and has a master's degree in philosophy from UiO, as well as a bachelor's degree in library and information science.

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