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Ukrainian freedom struggle or Western economic interests?

ESSAY: What values ​​are the West actually supporting in Ukraine? In order to help Ukraine with national self-government, Norwegian funds were already channeled through the EBRD from 2011, despite knowledge of extensive corruption. The Western contribution in Ukraine is probably so much about a struggle for control over enormous natural resources. Norwegian politics thus supports international big capital – oligarchs and large agro-groups already control 28 percent of Ukraine's arable land.

When the truth becomes threatening

JULIAN ASSANGE: Aftenposten had learned from Julian Assange and sucked what they could from his WikiLeaks data universe, and millions of secrets, before quickly throwing him under the bus. Assange created the whistleblowers' perpetuum mobile, WikiLeaks, an unlimited infinity machine of truth where truth whistleblowers all over the world were given the opportunity to reach out – and lift the blankets that hide the lies of power, their war crimes, corruption, tax fraud, hidden bank accounts, fortunes and conspiracies. What now?

Samangan province has 438 inhabitants, spread over 000 communities that are without water, electricity or mobile coverage

AFGHANISTAN: We bring here Francesca Borri's reportage from Dara-i-Suf in Afghanistan – a land of families and alliances of families.

A strategy for peace

KENNEDY: He said in his speech in 1963: "Where ignorance too often abounds and truth too seldom prevails, the most important subject we have is: world peace." Was it possible, as he said, "to create conditions so that weapons can finally be abolished"? According to Kennedy, the struggle for disarmament had been a matter for US governments since the 1920s. This has not been the case for very many of his successors.

The world's largest construction site

UKRAINE: Reconstruction costs for Ukraine are estimated by the World Bank at 411 billion dollars. Discussions about the design and reconstruction of Ukrainian cities after the war are in full swing. There are now five pilot projects for Kharkiv: on rivers, industry, cultural heritage, industrial buildings and a science park.

Vampiric overconsumption

WATER: Do we know the figures behind today's water consumption? For example, cotton from the fashion industry accounts for 10 per cent of global CO2 emissions – more than aviation and shipping combined. It costs 2700 liters of water to produce a cotton T-shirt. 140 liters of water to produce a cup of coffee. And one kilogram of beef requires a whopping 14 liters of water. Must we always let capitalism trump the future?

The fear of the end of the world

FUTURE: For the first time in its long history, humanity is – possibly inevitably – facing an increasing and real risk of extinction due to the reckless activities of Homo sapiens. The effects of greed, violence, ignorance, fanaticism, political short-sightedness, overpopulation and over-exploitation of all available resources are the prerequisites for an expected disaster.

What happened to anti-Semitism?

FASCISM: Nazis attacked Jews, and they were therefore characterized as anti-Semitic – the cosmopolitan identity of the despised Jews. But what about Israel, which had carried out at least 2 extrajudicial killings? Menachem Begin and his group, which Albert Einstein and Hannah Arendt described as fascists and terrorists, have ruled Israel for almost 700 years.

Israel's contempt for the UN

INTERVIEW: After six years, Canadian lawyer Michael Lynk is leaving his post as UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Glasglow – the spark in the Paris Agreement

CLIMATE: In the perspective of poor coal-intensive countries: Why should not the rich stop selling oil and gas – and let the poor continue to burn coal? Will the transmission of democracy now be to blame for the doom of the earth?

Ordinary diplomacy serves the state, urban diplomacy the people

CITIES:America's new leaders have noted China's use of cities in its diplomacy. Is urban policy emerging as the new foreign policy?

Is Spain a terrorist state?

SPAIN: The country receives sharp international criticism for the police and the Civil Guard's extensive use of torture, which is never prosecuted. Regime rebels are imprisoned for trifles. European accusations and objections are ignored.

Green system change and circular economy

ESSAY: In order to safeguard our livelihoods, we should move away from a system that continually requires us to become more efficient, productive, and profit-maximizing.

What happened to the children's right to privacy?

"SHARE THINGS" : Parents share a snapshot of photos and information about their children in social media without considering the long-term consequences, and without the children's consent.

The illiteracy of Pakistan

READING AND WRITING DIFFICULTIES: Pakistan needs to prioritize the citizens' lack of reading and writing skills and should launch a nationwide program that takes into account the country's multicultural and foreign language communities.

The culture of the future of the future and Abiy Ahmed

COMMENT: In the future, people and governments are believed to have learned enough to deal with conflicts without weapons and enemy thinking. If we ever get there, we do not know, but the possibility exists, and how it will be, depends on our choices.