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Is it really useful to get involved in peace policy issues?

Today's government no longer supports information efforts for peace.

- There is no contradiction between the peace movement, the Home Defense or the Defense

MODERN TIMES is on the scene, asking Home Guard soldiers who participated in the Trident Juncture exercise in Central Norway recently, why they joined the military and their relationship with war.

When will Norway get on the field?

Superpower policy sticks in the wheels of the Arms Convention's work to ban autonomous weapons systems. The Chronicle author from the Norwegian Peace Team calls for Norway's involvement in the case.

An obedient NATO lackey

Central Norway is preparing to welcome 40 000 soldiers and the comprehensive NATO exercise Trident Juncture, which starts in October. What if we could get an equally gigantic peace exercise?

Johan Galtung: How is Norway going?

How independent and critical can one be? In Part 2 of the double interview with Johan Galtung, we talk about Norway's relationship with the United States, Sweden, Muslims, anarchism and Marxism.

A little war, if appropriate

The Peace Nation Norway shows how ruthlessly guided our "peace contributions" in the world are.