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Aleksander Huser

Huser is a regular film critic in Ny Tid.

Strong hostage drama from reality

DANISH IS-CATCH: The feature film about Danish Daniel Rye captured by IS in Syria shows that Scandinavian film does not have to be toothless entertainment to hit wide.

The limits of the genuine

TOURISM AND AUTHENTICITY: The distinctive feature film Bait describes the conflict between local fishermen and holidaymakers in Cornwall and is a social realist drama portrayed in a strikingly small social realist way.

The omniscient but predetermined man

FREE WILL: Masterfully, the miniseries ask Dev's big questions about a deterministic worldview versus free will, and the almost unlimited power of modern "tech" companies.

Ground Fascism

ANTI-SEMITISM: Although depicting an alternate history of the United States during World War II, The Plot Against America paints a frighteningly realistic picture of how fascist ideology can unfold in practice.

All the women of the world – united on film

WOMAN PORTRAITS: Woman is a sequel to Yann Arthus-Bertrand's panoramic portrait of humanity, this time about the female part of the globe's population.

Jesus from Instagram

RELIGION: The Netflix series Messiah asks the fascinating question of how Jesus – or someone who appears to be him – would be received today.

Life after sexual abuse

ABUSE: With considerable impact, the documentary lifts All that I am presented the story to one of the children in the Norwegian abuse statistics.

A movie for the big screen

BREATHTAKING:Ambitious portrayal of nature and the people who live and work in Lofoten.

War and sensuality in the youth guerrilla

YOUTH IN WAR: Despite its many references to, among other things, the Lord of the Flies and the Apocalypse now! Latin American Monos is in many ways a unique film.