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Socialist Labor Party?

In grief over the Labor Party's confusion and fall, Reiulf Steen proposes to merge Ap and SV. But the SVs will probably boast about being Ape's internal medicine, and precisely Ape's ideological confusion prevents them from seeing that they need treatment.

Tightens the belt further

Now, asylum seekers in transit shelters should also be stripped of cash support, and those who have already been rejected should be kicked out of the shelters. "Some will probably disappear and take on black work," said Secretary of State Kristin Ørmen Johnsen.

The Storting takes over the Finnmark Act

– To ensure that the government's work with the Finnmark Act has not violated the indigenous conventions, the Storting must consult the Sami Parliament and the county council in Finnmark, says Knut Storberget (Ap).

- The Sami do not receive support from Frp

The Sami Council's Johan Mikkel Sara hopes for the other parties in the fight against the government's Finnmark law. – They do not receive support from us, says Jan Arild Ellingsen (FRP).

Ballo butchered Storberget's proposal

– Storberget's proposal that the Storting should consult the parties in Finnmark is completely unnecessary and hopeless, says Olav Gunnar Ballo (SV).

The Thule residents get political support

The Danish state has received a compensation claim of NOK 234 million from residents of Thule in Greenland who were relocated to make room for a US military base.

More or less to the municipalities?

The government believes the municipalities will receive a record amount of money next year. The municipalities believe they are getting too little. The truth is that it depends on the eyes that see.

A step towards American conditions

With the proposal for a greater opening for temporary employment, the government is taking another step in the direction of American working conditions. LO economist Stein Reegård believes the Right will step out if they do not meet active resistance.

Polish Parliament on Constitution?

In pain it must be born; the new EU constitution. But there will be a constitution, at the latest in March next year.

Unwanted liberalization

There is largely little policy to be found in the government's draft state budget for 2004. Even the Supreme Court's promised tax cuts have ...

Warns against greedy government

Greedy owners may be the cause of the giant power failures lately, the parliamentary representative believes. The government will claim 90 per cent of Statnett's profits as dividends.

Discriminates Norwegian and foreign criminals

The Progress Party wants foreigners who commit crimes in Norway to atone in their home country, while Norwegians who commit crimes abroad should not atone in Norway.

Michael Moore – just a hoax?

Michael Moore is not only accused of exaggerating, but also of lying.

Nothing like the WTO

After Cancun, nothing can be like before in the WTO. From now on, the US and the EU can only achieve something in the WTO if they have something to offer countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

The fight for indigenous rights: Gone well, but bad at home

Norwegian authorities and Queen Sonja agree: It is important that the Indians in Brazil get their own land. But at home, the government is not even willing to identify which areas are Sami.

Blair is to blame for the Iraq war

"Blair is more guilty than Bush for the Iraq war," says Michael Moore.

My gender has judged me

Is SV ready for some care responsibilities?

Moore shoots wild again

The satirist Michael Moore is dead serious when in his new book he demands that Oprah Winfrey become new president of the United States next year.

Satisfied with the energy investment

Both the SV and the Enova director are reasonably well satisfied with the energy profile and commitment in the government's draft budget.

Creative deferments

You have to go to Beck to find someone who has stretched the boundaries between hip hop, rock and electronics as far as the creative nerds of the American Anticon collective.

The movie only a mother can love

Mother's Elling is just plain boring.

In Blackout

A bad novel about a man who finds the light in his own body after an apocalypse.

SV invites a greener energy compromise

– We are open to an energy agreement with the government that will trigger the huge ENØK opportunities and to help people out of the power trap, says Hallgeir Langeland (SV), Deputy Chair of the Storting's Oil and Energy Committee. The government is positive to an energy compromise.

- FRP's proposal is racist

– FRP's proposal not to accept more than 1000 immigrants from non-western countries is racist, says Heikki Holmås (SV), and is supported by Professor Thomas Hylland Eriksen.

- We have to think about if Turkey becomes western

"If Turkey in the future is defined by Statistics Norway as a western country, we must sit down and discuss the matter carefully and see if we need to reassess our policy," says Per Sandberg (FRP).