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Less monitoring, more humanity

Why is surveillance presented as the solution to the terror threat?

In the pockets of the billionaires

The "war on terror" keeps journalists employed and the population quiet, while the upheaval of the war brings huge gains – to a few.

State of emergency: What is Holland's agenda?

From being one of the foremost symbols of freedom in the world, France as a nation has entered a bleak part of its history, where the people suffer at the expense of simple governance and "suspicious" acts of terror.

Istanbul attacks tear up Norwegian insanity

The terrorist attack on Istanbul airport this summer brought up an old story of an authoritarian regime and secret training camps for Islamist militants – as well as a failed Norwegian aid project.

After a terror-filled summer

The terrorists are trying to force us into war mode. We must be aware of our role in the theater of terror.

security tyranny

Our humanity is gradually wiped out as security measures increase. 

Was it Russia? – Ukraine is sued

Why is Borge Brende so confident that it was Russia that shot down the Malaysian passenger plane in 2014? 

When terrorism threatened Europe

The documentary A German Youth tells the story of the Baader-Meinhof group exclusively through archive clips. It does not make the parallels to today's news picture less obvious. 

New Time in TV2's Occupied

It is interesting to note how our newspaper Ny Tid plays in TV2's series Occupied the role of critic of the government and the occupation of ...

How to prevent terror

Oslo Dokumentarkino arranged the debate Terrorbeskyttelse vs. legal certainty in connection with the screening of the documentary (T) error (1). It is again interesting to note ...

Who really terrorizes who?

Åsne Seierstad asked at the House of Literature in Oslo a couple of experts about IS (Islamic State) last week – who is IS, and what do they want ...