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The cartoonists and the war

SATIRE: MODERN TIMES has spoken to seven Ukrainian and one Russian cartoonist, all associated with the Libex network, about how they view their work in relation to the war in Ukraine.

The black dove of peace

ORIENTERING: Here we present a unique role model in Norwegian press history.

For those who want to understand this crisis

UKRAINE: MODERN TIMES' regular commentator, John Y. Jones, gives us here in this essay (via Jacques Baud) an overview of the balance of power, the progression of the Ukraine war, the propaganda threat, the Russians' intentions and Western reactions, the Nazi accusations and lies campaigns.

Older and newer tyrants

DESPOTER: The totalitarian regimes of the 20th century caused disasters and crimes of completely different dimensions than any pre-modern tyrants could have imagined. But what qualifies those in power over the centuries to become tyrants?

New decades of cold war

UKRAINE: Putin totally miscalculated. And what will be the verdict of history on President Zelenskyj?

A mirror image of the Cuba crisis 

WEAPON SUPPORT: If the West gives more weapons to Ukraine, it only means that Russia's will continue to escalate the war. The consequence of the arms support is clear: It will not lead to Ukrainian victory, but to the destruction of Ukraine with hundreds of thousands of young Russians and Ukrainians killed.

Learning from history

War: What will I do on the day the war is over and Russia is forced back behind the borders that applied before Putin in 2014 first went wild on Ukraine?

The war on our understanding of reality

RUSSIA / UKRAINE: Journalist Anna Politkovskaya warned us against playing with fire. Now we can ask ourselves the question: Are we in the Third World War – or in the Second Cold War? In his study of "not an inch to the east" statements after the fall of the wall, history professor Mary E. Sarotte shows how Ukraine and Europe ended up in war again.

The Mystery of Vladimir Putin

SPIN DICTATOR: After dictators left their mark on the 20th century with indescribable crimes, it can be difficult to understand how the authoritarian forms of government have made an apparent return in our time.

Eternity policy

UKRAINE: What is the influence of the philosopher Ivan Ilyin on Putin's politics? Today, information warfare is at least as important as military warfare.

Competence or arrogance?

RUSSIA: The Russian thinkers Aleksandr Dugin, Ivan Iljin and Lev Gumilyov shape the spiritual-political climate in Russia in different ways. Dugin is often claimed to be one of the ideologues behind Russia's attack on Ukraine. Is that an exaggeration?

The warlike mindset

UKRAINE: What is it about our modern way of life that promotes such hostility and military-technological "solutions"?

Russia without Putin

RUSSIA: One day Putin will leave the Kremlin – but that will not change anything, writes Tony Wood in his book on power and continuity in today's Russia, in which he attacks several well-known myths.

The Church and the military

RUSSIA: Did the annexation of Crimea really come from religious circles? Membership of the Russian Orthodox Church promotes military careers.

After the EU elections: Europe – what now?

GREEN CHOICE: In the future, border control, defense policy and climate will be some of the most important tasks for the European Parliament, which has now been filled by representatives from the Greens.

About Donald, Vladimir and…

Timothy Snyder is convincing in his explanation of how our world understanding has been replaced by a "national understanding".