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The vision of life store has reopened

Have we become more concerned with faith because suddenly there are some Muslims among us?

After apartheid

Here in South Africa, it is now kwaito music that defines the new generation.

Male role uproar

Well-informed, ping-pong boys and dinosaurs. Welcome to the debate about the male role. A tabloid "what is a real man" fight punctured the Norwegian debate. Ny Tid talks to Michael Kimmel, America's leading male researcher.

Russia's zombie sleep

While in Norway 7. October marks Anna Politkovskaya's death, she is forgotten here in Russia.

Syria is closing its borders

Syria will not accept more refugees from Iraq unless the world helps more.

- Reactionary media

Public relations advisers believe women must be more cautious than men.

Skeletons in the closet

Eivind Reiten should never have become chairman of StatoilHydro.

That's why we protest

Here are the reasons why we get involved in conflicts, like now with Burma. And the reasons why we don't usually care.

Forward to the past

History teaching is not what it once was. Ny Tid has reviewed the new textbooks for upper secondary and upper secondary school. The quality varies greatly.

Heroes in the autumn darkness

Melancholy and "blow-spout" are the perfectly balanced cultural diet this week.

climate Horror

The polar bears are coming!

Back to the moon

The moon will be explored more thoroughly than ever. In the new race for space, China, India and Japan are in the lead. Japan launched the moon rocket Kaguya on the 14. September. India's first launch will be in April 2008, with good help from Bergen.

Seeing Persepolis in Tehran

While the film Persepolis is celebrated in Europe, in Iran we experience it as one-sided.

Trojan horse?

Will China become a protector of the existing or contribute to a new order?

- Very important meeting

After the meeting of the donor country group, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not afraid that the ministry has taken part in the internal conflict that is still raging in Gaza and the West Bank.

Climate change in the government

The center-party minister swaps were brilliant. Now SV should look after.

The fight against crisis capitalism

Disaster profiteers make up the new global upper class, says Naomi Klein.

Warfare AS

The company Blackwater risks being expelled from Iraq. But who are the new mercenaries? From the African bush to the boardrooms in London. The world's private military enterprises are part of the same business they are commissioned to do.

An unhappy marriage

Finally, Norway has a visionary gender equality policy for women in the south. But the launched action plan lacks class perspective and feminist analysis at the bottom.

Business in Assistance!

We need increased market thinking in aid policy to better respect recipients.

Metal dependence

Varying about Ronni Le Tekro's explosive drunkenness.

Disagree with Mein Kampf release

Mein Kampf has tremendous historical significance, according to research director Odd-Bjørn Fure at the Holocaust Center. But should it be released?

Speculative and simple

The Madeleine case makes the Norwegian press less important.

The boys on a trip

We have reason to be proud of Norway's secret soldiers, if we only knew what they were doing.

Difficult election campaign

Norwegian media stumbles into coverage of the US presidential race.