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book review – literature

MODERN TIMES is as a commentary at the same time a book review with around 40 books mentioned in each issue (March, June, September, December). We discuss (preferably in an essayistic way) nonfiction Interior political, ecological and philosophical literature, but also literature in our time "big tech".
The newspaper with its rich full format also includes the theme supplement ORIENTERING and / or the documentary film magazine MODERN TIMES REVIEW.
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We are deserts, but populated by tribes

BUSINESS: Globalization, control societies and the digitization of zeros made Deleuze the great fashion philosopher worldwide. Has he become the fuel of digital capitalism?

Close to evil

Literature and art can create understanding and comfort in the hopeless.

Five pictures and one letter

About Camilla Groths Somewhere out there I'm happy (Flame Forlag)


Scandinavian poetry readers with an interest in what is written outside the home regions do not come out of the Swedish journal OEI.

Cheerful and generous articles from the old man against the stream

Dag Solstad is hunting for the novel's essence.

Brilliant on earth

Knight's review and criticism of Munch's art are both hysterically funny, well-written and in many ways apt. But historical art criticism can have dubious value when it is as wrong as this one.

Hans Blumenberg – critic and myth creator

The mythical dimension of politics can quickly become an unpleasant topic – but myth formation is also an indispensable part of our practical lives, according to German Hans Blumenberg.

A Nietzschean art history driven by historical forces

Aby Warburg's understanding of images has left traces. He anticipated the montage concept of Russian filmmakers, and has inspired writers and art historians. Recently, a lecture was given about him in Oslo.

The unbearable life

Imagination is the most important thing we have for creating collective change, says the authors of Resilient Life. The Art of Living Dangerously. They are critical of the sensitive person of neoliberalism.

A tsunami of images

In a world of directed images, it is crucial to have the right to decide how to appear yourself.

The art of becoming oneself

If we are to become who we want to be, we should look for new examples and habits in film and literature.

When a giant falls

Both a well-balanced and anecdotal account of the eventual fall of the Ottoman Empire.

Essays on literature challenge established notions

Two current, young essayists each settle in their own way with the categories.

About Norwegian essayists

What makes a written essay an essay is how it is subjective, reflective, debating, trying associatively or dissociatively – but first ...

"I live by chance only"

The great beast in German literature, Günter Grass – the fabulous, demanding, debatable and always contentious poet – has died in Lübeck shortly after ...

A transparent world

Dave Eggers gives us a nightmarish and caricatured yet fully possible picture of our digital future.