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Orientering 50 years ago (MODERN TIMES 'forerunner)

The peculiar forms of repression in the Soviet Union

iDEOLOGY: MODERN TIMES brings, due to today's attention to Russia, a look at the Soviet Union 50 years ago. In the book from 1972, Herbert Marcuse describes and assesses the conditions, condition and possibilities of the Soviet Union – and Soviet Marxism as an ideology.

The poisoning of humanity by militarism

Orientering 1971: In our time of invasion and occupation [read Ukraine], MODERN TIMES brings here Sigurd Evensmo's review of Finn Alnæs' The Fortress is Falling. A book quote reads: "Without blinking, we follow the motto 'the end justifies the means'. Without blinking, we follow a security policy that makes us accept national and international crimes."

New base in northern Norway directs US warplanes and nuclear submarines

BORN: Norway has received a new NATO base paid for by the US Navy. This time it is Bratland, Lurøy on the Helgeland coast, which is being built in NATO's service.

The rawness of silence

WAR: The barbarism of the West came from the "free world" itself. Because it was silent

The effort in ORIENTERING contributed to a turning point in the Norwegian labor movement

Sigurd Evensmo <7b> Journalist in the Arbeiderpressen from 1930 to 1949 in recent years as cultural editor of Arbeiderbladet.