MEDIA: Saad Mohseni's book is an important and well-written account of what an active entrepreneur achieved together with and thanks to a diverse and courageous group of journalists.
TURKEY: Last autumn, MODERN TIMES met two intellectuals in Istanbul regarding today's Turkey – and attended a major conference there on political economy. We look here at the use of force, at freedom of expression, the media, militarization and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's political pragmatism.
FEMINISM: In Why the Future of Foreign Policy is Feminist, Kristina Lunz tries to give feminist foreign policy a concrete content. Sweden, Canada, Germany, France and Mexico have introduced their own feminist foreign policies. But there is no automatic link between increased female representation and improved conditions for women in general.
THE STORY: weekly newspaper Orientering is often portrayed as the work of three men. It is overlooking a large number of contributors – many of them women. Torild Skar himself wrote around 400 articles over the course of seventeen years. Read here her story about Orientering.
IRAN: This is a political film that has chosen the thriller genre to exercise sharp social criticism against Iran. Like many of today's protesters in the country, the people behind the film were met with death threats and hate messages from the Iranian regime.
The attachment: The articles in this appendix of ORIENTING show which problems are linked to cities and poverty, pandemic, war, conflict, energy, food, flight, floods and fear.
WIEGO: The informal economy is often stigmatized as a "shadow economy" and characterized as illegal and unethical. Such generalization is unfair to the vast majority of two billion informal workers trying to earn a decent living.
WOMAN PORTRAITS: Woman is a sequel to Yann Arthus-Bertrand's panoramic portrait of humanity, this time about the female part of the globe's population.
COLOMBIA: Three years after the peace agreement between the government of Colombia and the FARC EP, the picture is not very encouraging. Nevertheless, both individual women and women's organizations dare to stand up and contribute to openness and improvement.
RAPE: Mithu Sanyal has written Rape: From Lucretia to #MeToo in the aftermath of #MeToo, where rape is one of the battles for feminism and still part of the news scene.
In Women of Kuwait, we get an insight into the lives of various Kuwaiti women through their bedrooms. Apparently there is little that separates them and other women in the world.
TABU: In Rude we get to know the female body's taboo but very natural source of sadness and joy – it's about the abdomen, from orgasm to pain and pregnancy.