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The Western hegemony plans

Marielle Leranand
Marielle Leraand
Leader in Fred and Justice (FOR), regular commentator in MODERN TIMES, and former deputy leader in Rødt.
ISRAEL/UKRAINA / Support for arms to Ukraine and support for Israel are connected. Everyone who in various ways supports the Western expansion plan with support for Ukraine in the ongoing war, in practice supports the Western hegemony plans, which enable Israel's genocide.


Israel is the only country in the world which, in our century, has been allowed to lock up 2,3 million people in a single large concentration camp, without access to electricity, water and food, and which will slowly, but surely, thirst and starve the population to death.

Israel is the only country in the world that is allowed to bomb hospitals with critically injured patients.

Israel is the only country in the world that is allowed to bomb UN schools, churches, mosques where tens of thousands of refugees have sought refuge.

Israel is the only country in the world that is allowed to kill and injure several hundred UN-employed nurses and doctors.

Israel is the only country in the world that is allowed to kill dozens of journalists.

All this in just over a month.

And why can the Israelis do this without it having any consequences for them?


Every year, the US donates 3,8 billion dollars in support to Israel, mainly weapon support. After Israel began bombing Gaza, Joe Biden presented a proposal to Congress for a new weapons package, which he argued was necessary to "strengthen America's security." 16 billion dollars was included in this proposal Ukraine and $14 billion to Israel. So when Biden himself in the argument brings out the importance of seeing Israel and Ukraine as part of "American security", is it perhaps time that we also see these two countries in context?

Israel's goal is probably to annex the whole West Bank and Gaza. This is clear, among other things, from maps that Israel itself has published on its own official social media websites, where Israel is drawn as the only country, and Gaza and the West Bank no longer exists. Since 1967, the Israeli administration has called the West Bank 'Judea and Samarra'. They have erased the Palestinians conceptually and administratively as an existing people with their own lands seen through the eyes of the State of Israel.

Breach of international law

But the prerequisite for fully annexing all the Palestinian territories, and thus removing Palestine completely from the map, is also that the Palestinians must be physically expelled to other neighboring countries. This has also been revealed as Israel's plan with the ongoing Gaza plan, and is consistent both with the total destruction of all civilian buildings and infrastructure now being carried out, and with the evacuation orders given, initially to the residents of the northern half of Gaza.

Both Israel's goals and the means by which the war is waged are obviously violated international law. The fact that a state proceeds in this way will inevitably lead to the breakdown of respect for international law as a guideline for behavior between states. Then we will either have a fight of all against all, or what is preferred by Israel and the US, one hegemony-model where the rules still apply to all other countries, but where some countries at the top of the hierarchy can place themselves outside and above international law.

Racism and US hegemony

The ideological basis for the hegemony model is implicitly, if not explicitly, racist. It presupposes the idea that some states represent a superior civilization/culture, and that it is good for the world that these have the dominant position in the world order, even if it means that they sometimes (or in reality quite often) have to be able to exceptions for themselves from the same international legal rules they also set themselves as enforcers of.

In Ukraine it is Russia, not the US (or Israel) which has violated the UN Charter. Om had it succeeded (which it has not, and will not) in striking back Russia through offensive NATO support for the Ukrainian government army, the implication of this would however not been that international law based on the UN Charter as the overall guideline for the international community would have been strengthened. Since a Russian withdrawal here would not have been the result of any multi-
lateral negotiation process, but on the contrary a result of the US-led western military use of force, the result would have been a strong strengthening of the hegemony model. The implication would be that the difference between civilization and barbarism is not a strengthened UN, but a strengthened US and NATO, which can put all 'barbarians' in their place when necessary.


A Western military victory via proxy war in Ukraine would also bring Ukraine into NATO, and thus also strengthened the American/Western hegemony purely physically and geopolitically. The next step would be to incorporate the states of the Caucasus into NATO, and the next step further could be the states of Central Asia, where most of the world's uranium mining takes place.

A Western victory in Ukraine would thus both physically and ideologically strengthen US hegemony and make it safer for Israel to advance with its genocidal intentions to establish a Jewish state throughout Palestine.

Everyone who in various ways supports the Western expansion plan with support for Ukraine in the ongoing war, in practice supports the Western hegemony plans, which enable Israel's genocide. Voting for arms to Ukraine is thus giving material support to the basis of genocide, and verbally opposing the genocide itself does little to nothing to counter this.

Should we therefore real support the Palestinianss cause, we must on all fronts, always and everywhere, oppose the US and the West's goal of being able to act as a hegemonic power.

(You can also read and follow Cinepolitical, our editor Truls Lie's comments on X.)

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