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What about Italy?

The Italian author Roberto Saviano sits opposite me, four meters away in a black armchair. In the side scenes hidden behind the curtains stands a black-clad large man on each side – with his hands crossed, armed, constantly on the lookout.

The crisis when it comes

The next financial crisis will not be like the previous one.

Yellow vests, taxes and black money

Is President Macron the reason why the yellow vest has taken to the streets of Paris, or are the people wearing yellow vests just generally thoroughly bored by a guardian French state?

Are you a "communist"?

My namesake Truls Øhra's new book, The History of Power (478 pages, Solum Bokvennen), is a thorough and revealing review of the abuse of power unlike solidarity communities. Let me start with a first point:

ZERO and the Nobel laureates

If you are one of those who think exhortations about environmental destruction are well exaggerated, you should not read on.

More than a human being

Documentary of the Month: Peter Mettler's new feature film, Becoming Animal also has a philosophical depth, where it allows Canadian eco-philosopher Davis Abram to play an important role.

Liberal and anarchist

Weekly magazine The Economist marked 15. September's 175 anniversary with a manifesto against weakened liberal values.

The importance of photography

Does photo art have the potential to change society and politics?

Book reviews

Why do we always ask why men commit acts of violence, instead of asking why they don't allow it?

FEMICID: Murders of women do not only occur structurally and not only based on misogynistic motives – they are also largely trivialized or go unpunished.

Old new in new packaging

MEMORIES: Nostalgia has been made into a commercial product that makes the past a constant and pressing presence. Do we really belong in a past tense? Memories are today produced, preserved and managed by commercial actors, by cultural products – which, to say it with Marx, are fetishized. Pop cultural products of the past are recycled, made into collectibles and picture books for the coffee table, sold as retro designs.

The iguaca parrots no longer sing

THE CLIMATE CRISIS: This book makes all other climate literature seem dangerously anthropocentric. We obviously haven't been very good at monitoring the earthly paradise.

A mentality from the Cold War era

INTELLIGENCE: In the United States, 18 different U.S. agencies at the government level are engaged in intelligence activities. In 1996 there were 6 million decisions to declassify material – by 2016 this had grown to 55 million!

A mental and military turning point

GERMANY: How 'war-ready' should a country be? With a number of top positions in international politics, crisis management and security, security expert Carlo Masala is regarded as an undeniable authority in the field.
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