LOVING ANARCHISM: Here we have ten chapters on topics such as water shortages, democracy, environmental challenges, artificial intelligence and economics. A writer who is more concerned with social than technological innovations. For example, he believes that citizens' councils with real power, debate and direct decisions can be established without representative democracy being abolished.
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Sci-fi could help us see our own times, but now we are sci-fi. Computer screens are icons of our time. Inga Strümke just received the Brage prize for this year's non-fiction book.
TECHNOLOGY: What can we say about the ever-increasing technological and state-of-the-art sphere we live in? Animations and simulations appear more and more as "living organisms", while biological life has increasingly become "artificial".
TECHNOLOGY: Can artificial intelligence be replaced by imperfect human judgment, and social disputes resolved through automated decision-making systems?
PHILOSOPHY: We are now in the violence of the future: the most important thing in life is increasingly something that has not happened yet. Philosophy must re-evaluate its old metaphysical categories.
DOPAMINE capitalism: Is "freedom" all valued so highly, in fact, illusory? Today, more and more information is gathered about our bodies, emotions, habits and brains.
THE FUTURE: We live in a new age where artificial intelligence develops on its own and becomes our salvation, not our death. It only happens a little later.
Will increased control or monitoring in this decade eventually leave more to algorithms that carry out actions themselves based on so-called "actionable intelligence"?
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: The film draws us into a dark and fascinating field of research. But are we convinced that the development of artificial intelligence is beyond our control?