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book review – literature

MODERN TIMES is as a commentary at the same time a book review with around 40 books mentioned in each issue (March, June, September, December). We discuss (preferably in an essayistic way) nonfiction Interior political, ecological and philosophical literature, but also literature in our time "big tech".
The newspaper with its rich full format also includes the theme supplement ORIENTERING and / or the documentary film magazine MODERN TIMES REVIEW.
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Increasing conformity

The selfie culture threatens to reduce us to marketing agents of our social-media personality, two German authors believe.

The future as the yardstick of all things

Thomas More's book Utopia turns 500 years old this year. Ny Tid uses the opportunity to celebrate this still radical masterpiece. 

That day everything becomes free

In post-capitalism, Paul Mason argues that information technology has the potential to transcend capitalism and create forms of production independent of the traditional market. 

What has the peace movement achieved?

New book looks at what the peace movement can learn from the experiences of past peace struggles.

"The individual must see it as their highest goal to live for others"

Dostoevsky is at least as "contemporary" as many of our actual contemporaries.

A critic's defense speech 

The critic is testing how art can benefit citizens in civil society. We need the criticism more than ever! 

Autonomy with Big A

The philosopher Toni Negri defends his earlier views in a thorough chronicle of Italian political history.

Television in American taping 

When in doubt, the opportunity is kept open for the most part.

The hunt for the green

In a Norway where waste volumes are growing, food soil is being reduced and greenhouse gas emissions are increasing, Eivind Hoff-Elimari will awaken its citizens.

The Art of Coexistence in the Age of Mass Extinction

Man should enter into an intimate and living "collaboration" with other species rather than pursuing a dry zero-sum game of calculated risk and balancing self-interest, Donna Haraway believes. 

Everyday Utopias

Political opposition exists in existing institutions and in everyday life, believes Frederick Jameson. 

"Ask Vadsø"

Bård Wormdal's book The spy base tells of a Norway that really matters for the power game.

Fight against oversized meat consumption

"We must regulate the artificial meat needs we have created, and we must stop putting people at the center of everything that is going to happen," says food blogger and author of Green Cookbook.

Fuck autonomy! 

Houellebecq's French dystopia coincides with Arne Garborg's Norwegian decadence. Both write ironic development novels with solutions they themselves do not believe in.

The passing of time 

Mia Hansen-Løve's new feature film Tomorrow's Day revolves around how political involvement changes over time, and adds to the series of her films about family dynamics and relationships. Here we give an overview of her films.

Project cell division 

The writing workshops in Oslo Prison revealed a peculiar vocabulary of words that mean other things within the walls than out here.