PHILOSOPHY: Pure nihilism? If one is to write a book about Zapffe, one should come to grips with his nihilism. Dag O. Hessen has chosen here to depict the philosopher's life as rich, despite the dark undertones.
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Sci-fi could help us see our own times, but now we are sci-fi. Computer screens are icons of our time. Inga Strümke just received the Brage prize for this year's non-fiction book.
ISRAEL: When the Knesset in 2018 passed the so-called nation-state law defining Israel as a Jewish state, it undermined the legitimacy of their own state's existence as a democracy. And here the Norwegian oil fund topped the list of 725 European financial institutions that have invested in 50 companies linked to the illegal settlements on the West Bank.
POLICY: The philosopher Espen Hammer gives a crystal clear analysis of US policy in a new book. This is a country where the annual value of lobbying is estimated at well over NOK 40 billion.
COMMUNISTS: The author writes the story of the stigmatized in a Norway that cultivated the victory story and the Labor Party's sweeping flags, while hunting for the Communists.
LIE: There are no limits to how many lies leaders can tell the people as long as the lies are useful to the state, and other lie perspectives from the philosophy of the new book.