NATURE: Latour wants to problematize how several features of the Christian tradition have stood in opposition to man's relationship with nature. Religious thinking usually has an indifference towards the natural world. And it is not unusual that the most militant climate skeptics often also have a positive and religious expectation of the end of the world – where the saved will be saved and the sinners lost.
CLIMATE: How can we live out our longings and cultivate a culture of diversity consisting of peace, trust, democracy and human rights. About the annual conference of the Swedish Transition Network.
ESSAY: Today, the extreme state is different than in the post-war period, when Sartre and Heidegger wrote about anxiety and authenticity. The existential threat today lies primarily in an uncertain planetary future.
TOMHED: A pseudo-confrontation with the parents' culture turned into meaningless stress. In eleven-September bodies, the young people hide behind enterprising smiles.
FOOD IN THE GARDEN: A new book claims that by cultivating the soil around you, on a slope, in a backyard or in a flower box, you become a more conscious consumer. These are the first steps towards a sustainable food future.
We live in a time when nature with increasing violence is getting closer to us. Returning is about surviving in a wild and powerful nature, and what sacrifices this requires.