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book review – literature

MODERN TIMES is as a commentary at the same time a book review with around 40 books mentioned in each issue (March, June, September, December). We discuss (preferably in an essayistic way) nonfiction Interior political, ecological and philosophical literature, but also literature in our time "big tech".
The newspaper with its rich full format also includes the theme supplement ORIENTERING and / or the documentary film magazine MODERN TIMES REVIEW.
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Is there any reason to rejoice over the coronary vaccine?

COVID-19: There is no real skepticism from the public sector about the coronary vaccine – vaccination is recommended, and the people are positive about the vaccine. But is the embrace of the vaccine based on an informed decision or a blind hope for a normal everyday life?

Increasing reality apathy and blunting

Criticism of modernity: The neoliberal "happiness dispositive's" imperative of happiness regards pain as a failure, a weakness. The pain has become dumb, and consequently speechless and meaningless. But is the consequence that the neoliberal paradigm of freedom is disintegrating?

The will to life

LIVSGNIST: First comes poverty and hardship, the diseases, the struggle to save lives. Then comes the sorrows of love, jealousy, envy, hatred, anxiety, greed, and greed for goods and gold.

Caste – a universal system of inequality, abuse of power and humiliation

RANK: In India it is the surname, in the USA it is the skin color which determines whether one is at the top or bottom of the caste system's ladder

Norwegian shadow pages

COMMUNISTS: The author writes the story of the stigmatized in a Norway that cultivated the victory story and the Labor Party's sweeping flags, while hunting for the Communists.

Pain culture and mental strategies

PAIN: As in the movie Joker, pain and insults can build up and become dangerous, explosive and ultimately murderous.

When is it okay to lie, and why?

LIE: There are no limits to how many lies leaders can tell the people as long as the lies are useful to the state, and other lie perspectives from the philosophy of the new book.

Time has changed direction and is now coming from the future

PHILOSOPHY: We are now in the violence of the future: the most important thing in life is increasingly something that has not happened yet. Philosophy must re-evaluate its old metaphysical categories.


ISLAMISM: The traditional explanation for the conflict between Sunni and Shia Muslims is too superficial. A new, well-written analysis interprets the Middle East's major changes as a showdown between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Food and drink – a burning political, personal and ecological torch

FOOD: Everyone eats. Some people know what they are eating. Few people know what they ought to.

The American disaster

TRUMPISM: How do democracies die? Often with the help of elected leaders. This was the case in Russia, Hungary, Turkey, Ukraine and Poland, as well as in several South American countries. And in the United States?

At the top of Hitler's wish list

BUILT NORWAY: Nazi Germany's plans for Norway were extensive. We were to become part of the Great Germanic Empire. In the years 1940–1945, large parts of Norway were a construction site.

Libidinous ecology

CRISIS Is nature in its essence erotic? And has capitalism – which will make us desire more of everything – overused our very capacity for desire?

Anti-racism as a totalitarian ideology

IDENTITY: Instead of placing each other in identity-political booths and categories and inflicting shame on each other, we should rather develop a greater degree of forgiveness and generosity.

The identity-political winds of the time

IDENTITY: Hørernes Hærgen is a flame script against the identity-political winds of the time. It is a fiery battle script against contemporary moral currents.

Why populism?

TRUMP: In the latest issue of Agora with populism as its theme, Donald Trump comes out in two variants: in a very personal version (where he owes just about everything he owns) and as a patrimonial leader in a postmodern USA