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The city's psychopathy

All architecture is political, claims the Swedish sociologist Göran Therborn, and praises modernity for its denial of authority.

Only one vote among many

Thinking can be carried on by everyone, argues philosopher Jacques Rancière, and rejects the masses in an ideological fog.

More politician contempt now!

Don't the politicians know what the consequences of their decision are? Yes – but only when there is something to brag about.

The inadequacy of the concept of populism

Populism is not a negative response to neoliberalism, but neoliberalism's own instrument, says sociologist Éric Fassin.

Trump as the left's birth assistant

Trump could cause a vital and far-left side to finally be formed in the United States.

A crazy world

You can't find a better guide to today's political landscape than Pankaj Mishra's latest book. 

Indian politics: The party of ordinary people

The Indian documentary An Insignificant Man is an interesting picture of how a political movement can emerge and gain momentum. 

The sirens national anthem

The Sirens will revive their presence in a time of pixels and virtual reality.

A star is born – new French Emmanuel Macron

He is young, handsome and eloquent. With his energy and radiance is Emmanuel Macron France's John F. Kennedy. But does he have a policy? 

Spiritual travel and political power networks

Religious pilgrimage in and outside Iran can never be disconnected from the political. 

Eva Joly: "Norway stands alone in Europe"

She has been called crazy, icy and revolutionary by the French establishment, and is a seasoned participant in Europe's most important political arena. Ny Tid has met Eva Joly.

The upcoming war against China

The United States is calling for a picture of itself as the heroic country that can save the world from an "increasingly aggressive China". At the same time, 400 US military bases surround China with rockets, bombers, warships and, above all, nuclear weapons.

"Republican is the new cool"

In a stunt just before the US election, a right-wing populist writer staged himself as a punk and performance artist. This hijacking also got artists and hipsters to vote for Donald Trump.

Jill Stein – America's best

Massachusetts' Jill Stein (and running mate Ajamu Baraka) are New Times' clear favorites after Sanders' disappearance.

Politics as conflict

Chantal Mouffe locates several weak points in common ideas about democracy, but becomes unclear as she approaches the issue of human rights.

Choice: Politics or administration?

Sometimes one would wish that more people saw red when there were elections, in a certain contempt for the uproar politics has become. The choice ...